Name Me!!!!
kelnel Diary page 2004 - 2005
Thinking : she so cute
Thinking : evil bunny
Thinking : my thumb hurts
Thinking : I bite my lip
Thinking : nothing really
Thinking :... u dont wanna know
Thinking : why does no body comment?
Thinking : bloody spyware
Thinking : Hope its not behind me!
Thinking : has my bath run?
Ps!!!! Oh ya so I dont post in days and now I cant stop and all.... ya any ways....
Its hard work bring up a parot! Yep im looking after Billy at the mo... Big Billy, Mr Parot... he is such a bully and a sweet heart.. hes sat on me desk at the mo, snuggling in to me arm like, cuddling me hes so cute!
testing testing 1 2 3, this so hasnt been working so im testing before i do a massive post and all...
Today Ive been working real hard at home ya.. I ve been putting curtains up all over, clearing stuff, sorting stuff, cleaning every where.. including the corner sofa and stuff.. so Its been so none stop...
We had to go get a new suit you see yep he "needed" one for college cos they are all getting dressed up today cos they are doing some big presentation what it.. and look at my ikle hunk doesnt he just look the dogs.. ya.... >
Yesturday we went and got some more Newts yep cos the other one died *sniff* Yep these ones are huge compared like... really cool they look like dragons.. Yep Im hooked on Rollercoaster t 3 still.. Kev too lol, erm Oh and it was free drinks day today at work yep..*cheers* yep thats as exciting as it gets im affaid... erm *thinks*
argh! dumb blogger- I was sat here till almost midnight last night trying to get me post published.. been so dumb just resently! anyways.. On sat it was me sisters (Jackie)'s Hen party.. we started off at her house having an ann summers party.. was well funny, and oh my God! the things I found out about well everyone lol esp me Mum! I mean Oh my God Things I should never know lol... Ya we had to play these games to win stuff like.. and one of the games was like musical chairs sorta but not..if u get that... You have to move a place around if Its Yes to what the host asks and stay put when its no.. and the first one/s back to there orginal place wins.. was a lot of fun.. I came 3rd lol well me and nikki did..(my neice) and she lied so she would of won.. but her mother in law was there so ya.. And me mum was there and well all the gals from my family but I just moved really quick and looked insent and stuff yep.. cos basically the biggest slapper wins lol... We brought stuff too yep but im not telling erm We went out in to town to a few pubs, then on to a club.. 90'ds... was a well good laugh.. I was up on the dance floor doing me thing.. and i felt something on me arm like...warm,.. I though hold on whats that? That feels funny.. (I was so drunk) And I was still there like.. what is that feeling and Then it hit me .. Oh ya pain thats it.. and this fag was on my arm burning me yep.. I was so drunk I didnt know what to do.. I just stood there looking at it thinking, wow why arnt I screaming in pain.. ya,
Read this.....
At last Im BACK! Yep hopefully u noiced I havent beem blogging the last couple of days and all, first of cos Blogger just was being so dumb and all... and then yesturday my browser wouldnt even open so ya at last back online... ya I went shopping earlyer and Got series 10 of Friends day care -havent watched that yet but it was only the price of a rental so why not, erm oh and we got Rollercoaster T 3 too yep havent had chance to play it yet either,
So yep..Congratulations Ronan and Katie! ...ill have a page called that soon lol... nope really, They are having a little baby together! how cute... so ya Congratulations and all that..
Yep so I have a bit of an addiction to those mac'd salards like at the mo.. yep im such an addictive person i really am... erm im also hocked on House of the dead 3 still yep, Kev and me rule at it too.... Oh i brought a few DVDs tonight too.. yep I got Shrek 2 erm... young guns(for Kev) and Scary movie... ive already got the 3rd one like and the 2nd was rubbish so ya... Ya so we watch shrek 2 tonight.. first time ive seen it so cool and it has this funny "far far away idol" thingy too... like pop idol yep and u get to vote for who u wanna win.. of course it had to be donkey cos he is just so cute... mind u puss in boots
So ya erm todays obv the first day of the month and all so white rabbits and all that..erm yep I only had to work this morning so its been a nice change to have this afters to me self and all.. erm Roys not too good again but i cant really tell u any more than that at the time beging..erm yep u may noice that *wellar!*, there are a few changes to be noiced with the old blog and all*looks around* ive messed around with a lot so if u get any problems with any thing let me know and all..cheers, erm ya and me hotmail whats it is well messing me about so if any of u peps are talking to me via that im so not getting em, im good at the though.... erm ya been well completly messing up me 2nd blogg actually too yep trying out new templates and stuff but well its junkieifed at the mo... oh and a very late Happy Hallowine and all... ya we stayed in and watched vanhell what ever.. erm liked it yep.. bit walt disney ish but nope all the same liked it... erm and we brought House of the dead 3 for the xbox too... its well good yep but sadly cant have guns cos they dont work on any kind of half decent telly which sucks! but nah well....