Please comment!!!!!!!
Thinking : why does no body comment?
Eatting : ----
Drinking : -----
Feeling : amused
Listening to: on a night like this
Surfing :msn
Hey, like ages a go I went to this mazeguy site, its a cool smiley site... and there was loads of really good, smart ones like...but no Ronan ones! - never is, and it sucks.. hes been around now for like over 11 years, broken records, won almost every award at some point... but does he ever get a smiley nope no way...untill now!!! yay! I sent this guy ...Mike Perrucci an email.. asking if he would think about adding one to his collection... and guess what!!!! *goes to photo bucket*

no comments (again) :-( come on guys!!!!
Just able to hit you blog, since my IE isn't work well, now I got Firefox, thank you for comment my blog:) last 2-3 week ago.
maybe u shouldnt be so upset bout the comments and just write yer blog for yerself and not for everyone else.. and btw the blogger commenting thingie is annoying..
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