find a stone
Thinking :... u dont wanna know
Eatting : nothing
Drinking : bitter lemon
Feeling : blah
Listening to: nothing
Surfing :destinys child
so its been offically have a go day today! *holds head in hands* one of those days! im seriously thinking of pulling the plug on this site.. i really have lost all point in it all... and i really dont feel like blogging right now anyways.. I dont see the point in seems to me that the very few people who are coming here, and the ones that do dont think much to it anyways.. so ya whats the point then? answers on a post card! Im being all barmy as normal as u can tell, im just fed up, fed up with me... this is just too much hard work right now...
I should say thankyou to the 2 people that commented on yesturdays post, so cheers...
pook and ?????
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