piggypage: December 2004

Thursday, December 30, 2004

I got half priced beanies too yep....

So yep.. its been a ikle wile and all since me lasty posty thingy... yer *cough*
Oh ya im still all sick and all.. I know so full of me self and all.. when all this bad stuff is happening in the world today.. we donno how lucky we all are... so yep back to the shallowness....
What i got for chirstmas........................Kev got for chirstmas.....
Di' camera...................................................Dvds.... like loads erm like 20
er... beanies................................................kylie cd
Ronan... *cough* cds, callender... ..............Kylie callenders- big one and small one
A hegehog crystal ......................................smellys.... loads and loads
candles.. and holders .................................Pen
Dust buster.. mini vacume cleaner .............keyring ....and some other stockin fillers
..................................................................need for speed
We got vouchers and stuff to like... gonna get some suit cases tonight... cos we are going to Edinburgh for the weekend.. its like 8 hours drive up the conuntry and we are at work that day too.. so ya.. going tomorrow evening.. straight from work... all ready and stuff for when we get there... yep going for the week end... gotta be back for work for monday morn like so we will be traveling sunday night prob... anyways did you all have a nice chirstmas? yeah i know most of ya probley didnt and all, chirstmas is depressing i know... Ours was quite but nice though... Think ive reaked me camera already... i know i know... took me what till boxing day... Erm ya I got kev loads more other stuff too but i cant think of at the mo... anyways im too lazy to write anymore just yet so ya... gotta go work in 15 mins anyways so bye...
Have a happy new year if im not back before then.... Thanks for commenting erm.... *looks* ,Pook,Inner child and the editor

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Best concert ever.... wishing every body a merry chirstmas!!

So now im going to do a Ronan post yep.. cos it was the concert on Thursday, remember? - on kevs birthday.. Yep it was the best concert EVER!!! really really( x 10 ) great.. a really laugh... We had really good tickets too compared to last week espcially... and i got this... close to ronan!!!! Ya I took that!!! me!! I was that close!!!!

Well I cant bein to tell you how happy I am i got that picture!!! he lent over right over us looking down.. lol i got so close i could see up his nose!!!! yay!! and ha ha ha ... time for my rude bit.. Ive been under Ronan!!! yay.. now none of my Ronan mates can say that!!! I could make more "on top" jokes but i wont... So ya we was realllllllllllllllllllllllllly lucky to have gotten soooooooooo close to Ro... but we was quite where i was praying to be.. there was 2 places which were better.. Either the front row.. for ovb reasons... and Ronan came around them all and they all met him, - How jealous was I !!! And the other place, was futher back from us.. to where the bridge went... (which ronan is stood on in the pic) Cos the people at the end of the bridge got to shake his hand too... very jealous yep.. but ohhhhhhhhhhh sooooooooooo proud of me pic yayayay... never been so close to him in over 10 years!!!!
Kev really enjoyed the show too.. he really did.. was well getting into it.. laughing and clapping and stuff... Yep as it was the last night of the tour.. and 2 days before chirstmas... it was an extra special one... all his band was pulling pranks on him all night.. he keeped asking us if ou't was on his back bless.. u know like a kick me sign lol... Ya when Ronan sang "Words" He started singing at the front of the stage.. and then he turned around and he started laughing.. he was really trying hard to keep it together.. he was cracking up.. then u the band Lite up! they was all sat there in santa hats.. lights and everything.. H e sat down on the steps next to them like.. he was rolling around laughing.. still trying to sing... band was still playing... He keeped laughing.. Started to point at this teddy thing on the mircaphone (what kev called a stick thing they grab hold of lol-had to add that!!!) Ronan was going bramby at this teddy... then Steve on the guitar turned this teddy on... It started moving.. Ronan was like purple holding his head, screaming with laughter... still trying to sing... Then he turned around and was pointing at James on the keybroad, Lol he was stood there in a big Alien hood mask glowing thingy.. was so so so funny.. had his own spot light and everything.. There was a huge skull thingy on the stage back drop screans... to add to the madness... Then they finished the song... steve spoke and said.. ya the dog is a bit rude really.. The camera zoomed in to the teddy.. it was a dog "humping" the mirophone - it was soooooo funny seeing that on those massive arena screans... Ronan also had a few hundered posters made and handed out.. all saying "I love you liam" lol .. cos Ronan said liam had complained there was too many I love you Ronan ones and not enough I love you liam ones lol.. (liam is the dummer) erm.... it was all like that after that.. was so funny... they all came out over the bridge with flutes taking the mickey.. Right at the very end the last song before he went *sobbs* He was thanking everybody etc.. and he forgot loads of inportant people... lol keeped saying there names though the song... And then he forgot all the words completely messed it all up lol.. stood there hitting himself with his mirophone lol... and then.... a woman came on with maids fancy dress out fit on... sweeping up around ronan trying to move him on.. Ronan said "We all better go there cleaning up", was really funny.. but you probley had to be there and all...

Merry chirstmas everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ghosts of chirstmas

Argh shouldnt of eatten cheese... Well me Dad always told me it'd give me night mares and all.. I woke up this morning up frown'in and stressed.. Opened my heavy eyes and saw the red numbers of the clock staring back at me.. they said 4'44am. id been layed there for which had felt like forever already.. then it hit me Its chirstmas day today.. me heart fell some more.. why did feel like such a bad thing?, I then remembered I had forgotten to also put Ian and nathans gifts in the bag yesturday too... now they wont get theres till after chirstmas.. this is bad.. i have forgotten so much and so many people.. I hate that.. it hurts so much to be forgotten...
So ya even today of all days I can still here today.. i can here Annes voice ecoing in my head... It doesn't take much working out... all those comments she had made the day before yesturday. Ive got a hard time coming up, im going to have to do a lot of fighting and I really DONT want to!!!!!!!!!!! The dream was that same old dream.. with just a few differences.. this time It was Julie... she was stood there just looking at me, all these birds anne was pulling out again and again.. and julie just stood there looking straight though me... You see they'll all belive what ever anne goes with.. or rather against.. and it wont take long for me to be completly alone. And im scared to death. My chirstmas wish is just to stop getting blamed!!!! I havent done anything to deserve this!!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Happy birthday kev

Yep today is My husbands birthday and hes all 30 now yep... so Happy birthday to you, sqash tomateos and stuw... blah blah blah, yep oh ya and if u aint noticed today is also Ronan day yep!!! we are going to nottingham for the concert later, so im gonna spend me vouchers there.. which ive been saving from work like that can only be spent there... also planning on getting me chirtsmas money from mum too.. yep sorry no i mean kevs birthday cards from mum ya...lol

anyways going to start getting ready now yep.. was gonna try and get some rest but nah well.. i can only be dead in the morning...

Thanks for commenting... Ronan, 金寶, Pook & inner child

Birthday wishes apperated (or word that means what i ment)....

Sexing blame

OK so I havent done this for a wile.. i need to let off some steam, its kevs birthday today.. and Ronan day but im oh so depressed and i have to let it out some place, so hopefully knowing kev he will only read one post at most so ill do my happy birthday bit later.. so that shows first and all.. any way, work.. yep this again... I want scream some now and write some swear words and stuff, the old who said u said she said and all that.. but im just to low for all of that.. the top and bottom is im just so sick of getting the blame and the piss being taken.. this week the work has been really,really,really bad... really bad, and there are 2 gals thier who are really ovb not conserntating on what they are doing... but I am!! oh so very much.. im good at my job and it might not be much of ow't but i take pride in it.. i do in everything i do.. I wrok damb hard to make sure people dont think im a slacker.. or likeness, But still I have been taken off the carsell TWICE this week, I calmly asked Anne - why she would chose me again.. and i quote "It doesnt take much working out" and i said " Im sorry what are you telling me? Because I havent found enough wrong, im too blame?" she couldn't answer got all huffy and puffy... keeped saying it was me.. that it was like all in my head.. She said "it all comes down to you have a problem with being taken off..".. I told her.. "I dont as long as its done fairly!!!" anyway a lot was said.. she turned her back on me and walked away. I was so angery.. went back to my place, Pam was consered about me and i told her the glist, basically I was being held to blame because i hadnt pulled enough out. Pam was mad too.. told me to go out and calm down but I told her no cos it'll look like im storming off... so I carryed on.. it was right at the end anyways so it was like 5 minutes left... I went though to the loos and Ali my friend was in there, she told me she feels im being treated very unfairly.. with that Anne came in and said loudly across the room"Kelly come with me, for a word." Of course there was nobody who hadnt heard that. She took me in the store room. I tryed very hard to keep calm but tears still ran down my face. She told me that she wanted to know why I have a problem with being taken off, when I'd argread to it in the office with everyone else" My reply again was"I dont!, as long as its done fairly..and it isnt!!!" I fact is there is 12 of us there at the moment.. and it the same people who are getting blamed, time and time again.. She added why arent i complaining that Tanja and amanda are being pulled up to then... I said "its up to them to stick up for them selfs.. if they want to be treated like that then it is up to them. but I won't be!"- aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh im so sick of it!!!!! anyways an hour has passed now and Ive got to make kevs birthday dinner.. so ill be back later....Ok Thankfully Kev just thought I was up set over not being able to find the candles for his birthday cake.. so hes happy and all, I made him A nice birthday dinner cos of us out later... anyways... The point that has really made me really upset more than anyother, Is that Anne has been talking to Norma - the old boss from years ago.. she said she has all the old records and she said that they "prove" that it was good when i left then bad when i came back ~ which is a lie. out right lie. and she basically has it in for me, it all comes back around again. The fact is though...
Note to self!!!!....
  • I am good at my job!!!!
  • I have never tested badly... ever!
  • Its offen good when im in
  • It has been very bad when ive been off
  • It was bad years before i ever came
  • it was still bad "up and down" when i was off
  • I know people "look out for eachother"
  • what ever i do it has no change on the sexing
  • I have pulled out 30 once in a box with Tanja
  • Im carefull at my work
  • I always know what the birds are when they are passed around.. and I show them to pam to double check
  • I always ask if i dont know
  • I can write a million reasons or more why its not me...
  • I can only think of 1 that would make any one think it is... and that is because it seems to go better or perfect when im off sometimes.. or the last 2 times ive not been taken off...

Sunday, December 19, 2004

still screaming

Thinking : ya yaya yayayayayay
Eating : chirstmas food (yummmy)
Drinking : b.lemon
Feeling : excited and tired
Listening to: Ronan- lost for words - picking me up
doing : talking (instant,messaging) Ro

So ok... unless this is like your very first ever encounter with piggypage, you know that this week is Ronan week Oh oh Yeah!!!! so the first Concert was on Friday 17th december at Birmingham N.E.C Arena... The next one will be at The National Ice Centre - Nottingham, Wow I really donno where to start...
Ok I guess I can start with telling you I got a cool Ronan Cowboy hat there yep all glittery and stuff - cos like incase u donno when Ronan was in boyzone he always wore a cowboy hat at the concerts at some point.. so now all us fans wear em' lol ...

Yep it was a fiver, I dont recon that was bad really seeing as me program was a tenner like.. yep I know its robbery and all but I HAVE to get one.. well two cos im going next week too.. so ya , ok They are the same and all but still... its Ronan... and i put me concert pics and stuff in so ya.. This Concert was my 7th bz/Ronan one so far.. very good show as ever.. like im gonna give a bad review anyways... erm the long thing was we had bad tickets for that show.. I knew it from the start but as long as I was there - I really didnt care... But they wasnt as bad as i had imagined...
Cos instead of the numbers going back they went around so the higher the number became the closer around we became.. to the stage, so ya YAY... erm Ronan was like 1 inch tall and all.. but still.. hes only like 1 inch tall in the mags anyways.. and on the net.. and on the telly.. hold on..wait a minute.. how do we actually KNOW!!!! Ronan Keating isnt 1 inch tall...

So ya.. Cos the tour was put back 11 weeks.. the hole thing was changed too.. went from the Turn it on tour, to the 10 years of hits tour... The surport act was a band called ..
picture house they were well good.. Dublin Lads (like Ronan)... so ya they are pretty good, sound kinda like u2's earlyer stuff i recon...
Now as for the Ronan show... He came on singing... "Turn it on".. then "I love it when we do" ...I think, Ronan doing that pelvic thurst..lol I had to cover kevs eyes i was well embraced... No need for husbands seeing that kinda thing lol... mind u he was that pissed at me for putting my hands over his eyes he missed the hole Ronan Thursting it about lol.. Thank god! mind u Kev if u're reading this then.. erm panic cos its all too late... nah well he's sure to see it at notts any ways lol... Nah its so Funny though.. Ronan doing "sexy" always has been though, I dont mean that as nasty.. but hes a funny guy.. sexy and funny dont really follow... anyways *climbs out of very deep hole* Yeah Oh of my fave bits was actually before the show.. Ronan was talking on the screans like showing us backstage .. this was nice I thought... and also he played us his fave videos.. and the later ones was U2 Hello but the video was all clips from Ronans videos done on time with the music and it looked like he was singing it.. was well done.. very funny, it was all funny clips of him... smart, hats off to who ever thought and created that...
Yep as always.. just like i knew he would he pulls a stunt and goes to the back of the arena to "thank" his "devoted fans" quote lol... yay.. he had this bridge come down from the roof thingy was soooo cool... yep *screams* any ways I was well controlled and stuff.. wasnt easy but ya.. Ronan went around the hole front of the arena like.. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo jealous... And i kinda stood there with a tear in my eye wishing oh so much to of been down there.. He took time to shake every single persons hand down there.. every one... how cool is that... Thats why I like him so much.. stuff like that.. thats why im sat here typing about him yet again.. and have been in one way or another for over 10 years now.. my goal..as its always been.. to be one of those people.. I wanna be there sooooooo much *breathe* so pics.. well cos i was like a million miles away my pics are well.. blessed to have come out at all... u can see the stage if u look hard...lol

So that has taken me hours to post.. seriously slow lol... so busy bogieing to me Ronan music... yep so excited to Thursday!!! YyYyYYyYAaAaAaayYYyyYy oh ya p.s I donno if i said this already but i got me side broad now too yep.. looks lovley.. gotta get it some knobs now... erm also have been busy with chirstmas and all.. looking forward to edinburgh for the new year also.. but not to much cos it will mean Ronan week is over.. and so is chirstmas too... erm yep... Oh ya and

P.P.S It is oh so such a good idea fellow bloggers to copy a big post.. cos if it fails u can lose the lot.. like i just did!!! thank god for copy and paste!!!!

Thanks for commenting Pook!!! cheers

Friday, December 17, 2004

at last....

Thinking : Yay for me
Eating : nope
Drinking : nope
Feeling : excited but poorly..
Listening to: nope

Ok this has gotta be quick.. cos 2 nite.. oh ya im gonna go see Ronan Keating in concert... Yay!!! so excited, got a damb cold though.. that sucks... erm anyways other than the hole waiting a year for tonight ive not got much other to say.. well im gonna have a lot to say tomorrow im sure.. I have been doing loadsa over time too, need to get me programs and stuff.. that i treasure oh so much...been having a giggle doing it though the last few days, been playing lots of practical jokes on me mates lol been so funny.. been esp meen..lol.. er Ive not been on line much guys im sorry there is so many peeps i havent been able to chat with for a wile.. sorry.. wanna catch up soon... christmas time is sooo busy... anyways gonna go get tarted up now lol...
R,O,N,A,N, way hey woo hoo! argh!!!

Thanks so much for the comments... Grandma funk & pook

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

lost me voice laughing

Thinking : yum
Eating : mash
Drinking : water
Feeling : alive
Listening to: early morning, bs

Yep so yesturday was the big sexers dinner.. OH MY GOD!!! I had to sit next to Stanley whom could do nothing but affend and frown up on us ( us as in the 2 julies and pam and me) Poor ali got stuck right down the other end of the table.. like 15 people away from her mates (us) she was sat there minding her p & Q's and all that.. wile I was chucking veg at the boss (stanley) Amanda - who was stuck on the other side of Stanley.. who may as well of been stuck in the desert really, with the lack of conversation going on around her.. anyways she chucked her knife and stanley and some of her turkey lol.. he didnt find it funny at all.. us we thought it was halious... pam keeped doing the pig nose when ever she laughted too... which was great fun.. again stanley didnt think so... anyways god only knows how we got though main course.. but we did it anyways... I'd only had one glass of white wine but the gals made me down it so we could all get another free round in.. so i was pissed as a fart.. face burning red, all of us giggling.. Again all of us being the 4 of us.. not the other 20 people frowning our way...lol, so then came desert.. oh my god.. one thing i really cant eat is stilion cheese really makes me ill.. really bad... and this bloody plate was full of it.. so the 2 julies and me slung it all in this plate on the side (which turned out was Stanleys side plate! lol.. and of course he would have to need it at some point.. being sods law and all... then we decided to pull our crackers.. yep stuff all over.. pam fighting over what toy was hers with me... lol I way ive always knowen it is who gets it keeps it.. lol it was all crap anyways.. then poor ali.. in the deadly silence down the other end says do you want me to pull your cracker? - to the bosses son!!! ha ha of course we saw the mucky funny side to it.. and started squealing with laughter.. Ali realised what she had said looked up the never ending table at me and did a huge pig nose laugh.. oh my god the funnyest thing ever!!!! Any ways pretty much all of my mates smoke so when they went out for a fag I got up too.. made out I was going to the bogs.. knew the others would catch me out... I came back with the others .. all eyes on me and stanley keeped going on and on about if i smoked or not.. and going on to the others too... I was like a school kid mumbling under my breathe "no i went loo..." then like 5 mins later they all got up again for a fag... I could hardly go with em all again so i was stranded there alone with stanley.. argh!!! he turned to me all serously and went on about the sexing... on and on about lazyness and all that stuff.. I thought well there is a time and a place, and me pissed in a reindear hat isnt it.. didnt wanna know when i went to him last time... so ya.. that was well mankey..
Any ways me gals came back thank god!!!.. we put up witha bit more of the same... then made our move to the bar... Stanley made the mistake of telling us to order.. ya 7 baileys :p lol well funny we had at least 3 rounds out of him and like 10 bottles of wine too.. ha ha .. then he went to the bar for the bill... ha ha god you shoulda seen his face.. it was such a picture.. soooo funny... he got a calculator and checked it.. he had a bit of a gob on with the bar maid lol... well he makes soooo much money out of us gals.. first thing we've ever got out of him.. so what does he expect... He does recon to be have a barbacue in the summer like, Amanda - who is helping out wile her sister having a baby... she said.. oh if im not working here then.. can i still come? and he turned his back on her! she was going mad.... with us... well she is helping him out and all... well we got our checks at least...
AND THEN... we went back to my house for a party.. Me, Pam, and the 2 julies... Tanja, Amanda and Ali couldnt go cos they have babys to get back to.. but the rest of em are to mardey anyways.. well we had a hell of a time... I was the only one who wasnt ill this morning, the rest of em was slinging it down there necks all day though to the night... the julies couldnt even stand lol... Dark hair Julie fell kinda in slow motion all over the other julie.. though cold water in her face in the pro... so funny there is so much i could tell yas... oh and me and julie (dark) thought julie (blonde) had left her bag here at my house.. in the panic we all ran out the house holding her bag screaming julie... waving it running down the road... we got back in realising she had to of gone.. said tar'a and the rest and went in... then who comes brusting out of the loo with paul (her bf) Julie... she said to me "Oh god, ive wet me self ..can you see it... "of course I was laughing so hard that ive pulled bits i didnt know i had...
So ya it was a really good time... and I went bed like at 8pm lol.. cos we started parting before dinner time lol...
Thanks for the comments....
Innerchild the editor, & Aeju.

Saturday, December 11, 2004


Thinking : whys me piggy got a background still
Eating : nope.. tea time soon
Drinking : bitter lemon
Feeling : funky
Listening to: dido.. life for rent
doing : animation

Yay for me and all.. I got me hair done - finally!!! had my red streaks put though... took really well and stuff.. yep like it.. er having some blonde slashes put in next time.. so that'll be pretty cool i recon... Oh ya the flapping birdy.. yep I figured id make our billy come to life on here a bit.. having lotsa fun playing with the trial software i got at the mo... me' hair.. well the top.. lol its my artistic view lol...

and then...

erm ya after makin one for billy (his blinkie) I figured it was mean to not do the guinea piggys... but then i figured lifes too short to do em both so i picked me favite and did her.. no im only joking.. lol just havent done nutter yet.. But heres butter... Oh I got me chirstmas lights up.. yep was a bit of a joke last night putting em up in the dark but .. well i can never wait a minute longer than i have too.. lol so ya I didnt do bad on me £19 lol.. found £15 of vouchers from me b-day so the kinda doulbed me money... I got 3 snowflakes... and 2 sets of icical thingy lights.. got them over the porch.. look cool.. erm and the snowflakes around the front door yep.. *yay*.. Oh ya My nana had a bald dog too Ro yep he was well mankie..lol

Thanks for commenting...Ronan & Innerchild

Friday, December 10, 2004

another bald animal...

Thinking : Ro's on at 1pm!!!!
Eating : nope
Drinking : nope
Feeling : cold
Listening to: time of my life - dirty dancing
doing :reading & writing blog/s

So I know its well sad, but ive been looking forward to today, yep for well sad reasons,
lol firsty I get my tiny wage packet, secondly I get to spend it..its like £19.. so im not gonna be getting too much... I wanna get some lights for on the house, all white ones... Ive changed the ones in my kitchen window so they go too, put some more up in the landing window too.. which was really bloody hard.. had to use a curtain pole with sticky tape.. u would of laughed if you'd of seen it.. cos the window is in such a stupid place.. its massive too, floats like 10ft above the stair case... havent even got curtains up the cos its so high up...
So I really want at least one snow flake for the front of the house.. Some ice'cil ones too yep..
Oh ya.. turns out we (the sexers) are getting our first ever chribbo party too... Yep big boss man is coming down on monday and taking us to lunch.. so that should be.. well arkward, enbracing and me and ali are gonna hide under one of the tables or something.. final escape details havent been finetuned yet as tanja well may be hiding with us...lol Its aqt the kings hotel too.. which is a stuck up dive but well I guess its a nice jester.. mind u he's probley only do it because it'll work out cheaper than vouchers.. that and in the hope of him not being su'ed by any of us for the next few weeks at least... oh and look at this guinea pig... its a special breed... a bald breed.. lol bless it.. its name is piglet too... lol how cute is he!!!!

Wednesday, December 08, 2004


Thinking : I got bottons
Eating : nope
Drinking : nope
Feeling : nope lol
Listening to: nope
doing :this

Ok, so Today ive mainly been teaching me self how to animate me bottons etc, havent had time to do many(cos im real slow at it at the moment).. Ive made a new Kelnel Link botton *looks at side bar* feel free to update me links, cos I know you got me linked cos u love me and all, lol.. Also I have animated your botton Pook now.. hope you like it, Ive got others im working on to.. I also made me self a Ronan Keating botton too.. right at the bottom of the blog.... doesnt link any place yet... cos im too lazy for that right now....
erm.... ah Ro... I sex the feathers, well the chicks, I use the feathers, erm still havent found any pics of the wings yet.... I might end up drawing them at this rate...
Oh and of course what u have all been sitting on the edge of your seat for... me advent choc today is...a lamp thing, or may be a coffin with a candle, I donno, lol.

Oh and i got me first crimbo card today too... what is it with them though these days, they get smaller every year.. julie gave me it like... I goes "god are you that tight, u only give us the gift tags wheres the parcel it was stuck to?" then pam started laughing at the comment i made about them being "cheap pooh" cards lol, Its all in good fun.. we take the mickey as much as possible, just to check theres still life there really... Oh and wile looking for sexing stuff, I came aross this well freaky parot, I mean I love parots they are so cool.. ( I have one too, that lives with me mum.) But this one is, well poor thing Terrifing is all I can say really. So Ro.. dont click the link cos i know you dont like birds at the best of times.... scary parot link

Erm think thats it for now..

Thanks to Ronan & pook
also to pidge for signing my Guestbook& whom I am exchanging links with, but havent got around to adding yet... soz u will be in the sidebar real soon....

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

they should be pink and blue...

Thinking : Joe of the jungle
Eating : nope
Drinking : water (summer fruits)
Feeling : rushed
Listening to: only for you- ronan keating
doing :panic'in lol

Ha ha 10 days to go.. To what did I hear you cry, oh come on keep with the program! Ronan, *yay* all to me self, er my husband, and a few thousand others..lol so YA! if you dont know already, im off to see Mr Ronan Keating, only my huge one and only idol *catches breath* Yep going twice this month.. just a ikle bit of excitement going on... Ya Emma (my old boyzone buddy) She wants to go see him too...*yay* that'll be so much fun... I soooooo do hope we can! Cos she took me to my first ever boyzone/bz concert, and most of them actually, so it'd be so cool if we can keep it going....

So anyways its now like 3 hours if not more since i wrote that, we had to go out and do a million boring things, i really didnt want to.. like collecting mail from our old house, stuff like that.. so thats kinda dampened me mood and'all nah well...

Erm.... *thinks* ya me posting is well late, cos I had a weido problem with me publishing, one i havent had before, but hey its all good now and all... erm Gumbico I cant post pics of the "chicken place" cos its really more than me life would be worth, but here is some stuff I found on the net...
I have looked and looked and looked but there is no pictures of the actual wing feathers, and at this rate im gonna be to shattered to sex the real ones in the morning so im gonna pass for tonight, ill post some when i find 'em....
This picture is of an english hatchery, with feather sexers and a carolsell some what like ours...

and what the chicks look like at one day old. But again, for the sake of my neck! this is NOT Our Hatchery!!!!

Ok so thanks to all u guys for commenting.... Kev, 金寶, Ronan, mohit & inner child!

Sunday, December 05, 2004

sticky tape & glue

Thinking : Ro's got a new tattoo
Eatting : grapes
Drinking : nope
Feeling : bizzie
Listening to: unwritten, nb
Doing: Scanning

Yep look at Ronan *yay* 12 days now till I lose me voice,
throw me knickers, and be devorced,
lol... nah i'll be all lady like im sure

*screams with laughter*

So ya, yesturday was the big go out and buy big cribbo shop like.. * tears out hair* oh dear god... well I guess 90% of it is done now at least... its so hars to find stuff as it is though, but when ur broke its even harder.. ah! this chirstmas wasn't ment to be like this.. it should'da all been sorted now.. but no, the house sale STILL hasnt gone though... ok lets not think about that... Yep so after all the buying of the presants and all that, I had to wrap em all up too, and there was a lot... all bad shaped stuff too...lol, Kev is oh so very biz at the mo ( as always) with being the boss and his course work, as well as every day life on top, so he was and is too busy to wrap my preasants up too, so ya I kinda did them too... figured it was better for me to do them then them being there and me looking at them till chirstmas... kev did do the tags for a couple though, but then he wasnt around so i put on to me from you..lol.. never mind, i'll just keep telling myself next year will be different, lol anyways chirstmas wouldnt be chirstmas without saying it i guess...

Oh Ya and peeps if u want me to send u a chirstmas card u will have to email me ur home address really soon, cos im writing em out and will be sending em out really soon ok.. so if u want one, u know what u gotta do... oh and for those people who "think" I have there home addresses I probley dont, cos I can bearly remember me own address....

Any ways gonna start on the card pile now...
Thanks for commenting... *Yay* (got loads!)
inner child, aejaz, Ronan, pook, & kev

Friday, December 03, 2004

Nutter and Butter!!!!

Thinking : I got 1 cold hand, and 1 hot hand..
Eatting : nope, had tuna fish and rice for tea though *yummy*
Drinking : nope, thursty too doh!
Feeling : er... chirstmasy
Listening to: boys of the summer, dh
Surfing :french strange site ment to be in english?!

Ha ha ya.. what did I tell u!, The christmas tree I wannted has now been discontined! and that really sucks! so we went every where last night trying to find one... we ended up where we started in the end.. as u do, lol... anyways turns out the bloody thing was flat packed! oh my god u would not belive the game i had.. no not putting it up.. putting it together, all the branches was coded so they have to go in a certain spot like.. so crazy, and of course have the codes was none visable..lol oh the joys of chirstmas eh? so anyways with all me hard work and all im gonna show it off now.... The tree was a bit of a bargin to cos i brought it at b&q and there is 20% off at the moment there on that stuff so that was good...

So there it is my christmas tree, doesnt look to much in the pic but it is pretty even if i do say so my self... It has little twinkling lights on it.. those micra lights... and lilac, purple, sliver and white, themed with the rest of the house...
*********** * Well im all ho ho ho 'd out at the mo... im still working on the house decs.. so much I cant really take pics of.. ive got light all around the top of the picture rail in the living room... light gallands i made over the curtains and fireplace, Ive got the little tree showen above in our dinning room window, well its 3 ft but the window is like 9 ft squared so it looks little... I have all the fun things in there, like kevs singing reindear, which is oh so cute.. I got the white raindear yesturday, its so cuddly and soft (as kev is cuddling it in picture) My fireplace... er ya as i said ive made the light garland from scratch so it wasnt easy with limited funds and all but it looks nice now its done... yay! and we got stockings too yep! way hey! , u see ive never had a fireplace before, and it something ive always wanted.. ( ive been doing a lot of work on it though the summer.. putting lighting it it, shaping it up new again, painting it... that kinda thing) so having being able to have stocking and stuff on it is so cool right now.. they are totally emty though, which sucks!, but hey there is time yet... and for the rest of the house we have coloured lights, but same coloured theme for every thing else..
Any ways.. the piggy naming has finished now... or so i have been told lol
Kev has decided they are gonna be called nutter and butter like it or not ...so ya...
What I did only just noice today too is that "Nutter" the dark one with the patches (looks like a skunk) has 3 black feet and one white one.. he looks so funny, so i think he should have an indian name too like has an odd paw.. oh ok its late im off now....

Thursday, December 02, 2004


Thinking : I want...
Eating : advent choclate :-)... was carol singer
Drinking : bitter lemon
Feeling : like not going work lol
Listening to: heaven knows
Surfing : 9 live quiz tv

So ya I waited in all day yesturday and my side bored didnt come.. of course the gental soul that i am I was calm and ok about this... ya.... kev had made a poster for the door any everything saying if no answer go next door and a huge <---- at the building - with the name of the building, well it seems the driver couldnt either read of was blind.. so now we have got to wait for yet another date for it to be delievered... *rips hair out* I want it so bad.. i saved up all me pennys for it.. i worked so hard!! and im gonna be paying it off still for another 6 months too... anyways - Breathe..... Ya I have to got back to work really soon again..( to pay for the sidebroad i havent got)... Oh and today I should be picking up our christmas tree too... I really hope so, but if something can go wrong... But on the plus, I do got a set of cute guinea pigs :-) Oh they are so lo'vdy yep im well babying them... mind u so is kev at that..
latest surgestions:

Sandy & dancer,
Nutter & butter, (this really does follow suit too..)
Butternut & coffee cup,

Oh and kevs still not named the chincilla either, nah well he'll have to be knowen as
chinny jr,
Anyways gotta go mop some floors ....

Thanks for the comments Kev & Ronan also for the peps @ http://pimms-pages.co.uk/ cheers

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

build me up butter cup

Thinking : hurry up and get here
Eating : nope
Drinking : bitter lemon
Feeling : hesitant
Listening to: best of me
Surfing :piggys

SO bored... yep, waiting for the peep to come with the sideboard...zzzzz anyways... today ive been to work as normal... came home cleaned u every where... ha ha then started to play with me little piggys...
Here are the names the have been put forward so far....

Coco & candy
Skunk & nancy
Felma & louise
Day & Dream

Keep em coming... as with all my posts they are all open and commentable even when old... but im adding a reminder to yesturdays here.....name me!!!! LINK
cos i want loads of ideas before I decide... might even make a poll to let u guys name em..
hows that for yas....

fave is skunk.. cos one of em.. the darker one really does look like a skunk lol... thankfully doesnt smell like one!!! Maybe i'll name em skunk and spunk, lol... nah oj... it suits her but skunk is well not cute enough... has to be cute and cool...
Ohhhh and choco month!!! oh yeah!!! advent callender has been opened!! yep it was a snow man today... was being the word :-)

Any ways as im oh so very bored im going to write some more song lyrics out.....

This is The best of Me... By Ronan Keating!

(I know u so didnt see that coming) ha ha 16 days to go *screams*

Every time you cross my mind... I catch my breath inside...and every memory, that we shared, still lives deep inside.......Just like a ship... without an occan... like a sun with out a sky...


You were the best of me... I swear........My love... you were the best of me.......and since your gone, theres nothing left in me,.....My love you were the best of me........But When i close my eyes, I see you there....

Every, night, U, come to me... your, touch so soft and sweet......We leave this world so far.. behind,... but only in my dreams....Some body stole the stars from my sky.......Oh won't u please return to me,

Repeat Chorus

I see you there... I see you there..Will I see you again?... will I see you again....Some body stole the stars from my sky... wont u please return to me

Repeat Chorus

I see you there...I ,see ,you, there...

Ok still oh so bored.. still not here!!! argh!!! Thanks for commenting guys! Ronan & Pook and thanks to the people who have been emailing me etc with names... cheers to the people who have been giving me advice on the piggys too cheers!!!

Oh and congrat (do you say that.. I donno?) I see your having a little boy.. Ronan (my friend not keating lol)

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