Dear santa... GET ME A DOG!!!!! lol
Thinking : evil bunny
Eatting : cornflakes dry
Drinking : water
Feeling : ok - content
Listening to: nothing
Surfing : acoustics in my life
Christmas yep - im still all about christmas *yay* so ya, we went looking for a christmas tree at the weekend. and they are already sold out of all the good ones.. so we gotta wait till the 2nd dec for one to come in... they better cos its like a week stolen from christmas already! Oh ya ive got me side broad coming soon too... be saving and wanting it forever so yay! *finds a pick...*

Ive got this well cute snowman to stand on it too which i brought on saturday..when we went christmas shopping... I brought kev a chinnchilla for his birthday (which is 2 days before christmas - the eve, of christmas so hes really cute... ill post a pic of him when we get him home and all... we pick him up later this afters.. so thats his joint main presant like... cos its his 30th u see.. and cos of how his b-day falls, (on a ronan concert lol) and work and all... so we are going to edinburgh for the hogmany ...whats it.. new years eve like, way hey... so thats his party like lol....
letter to santa
Dear santa...
blah blah blah... get me a dog... id like a black lab puppy please... probley female but im not too fused... id like to be a skinny millionaire by the new year too... but i figure the dog would help with the skinny bit at least... id like a robot too, yep this will take the dog for a walk.. for when im working and making money and stuff.. this will help the millionaire bit im sure... id also like a robot to clean the floor.. a hover one, oh and one that cutts the grass too... id like a new hover for me self too a dieson whats it - but so not instead of a dog! anyways ive been asking for a dog since i was 7 now and ive never gotton one so, my guess is this christmas wont be any different... so ill have a....*thinks* flat screen monitor... really big one though cos im well greedy like that.. I want a watch too yep... one which i can read no stupid lines for numbers... beanies, piggins, oh and crystals - u know the ones santa, oh ya i want a ronan keating callender too...that is a must..its right up there with dog... i want all the house sorting out and finishing too... I want a new sound card, head phones, grafics card... ya and a load of good surpises too *ahem* Theres a lot of stuff really want.. like my dad back - cos thats what i want...but i know theres not much point in asking for that, it would be well to selfish to do that. so santa, please give my dad a happy chirstmas, and tell him I miss him so much, and even though it might seem u have been forgotten by the rest of the family..I will never forget u for a moment. Thankyou for being a fantastic father and being a great santa for all those years. sp where ever u are up there in the stars i love u and miss u , and im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo proud of u xxxxxxxxx
Sound nice,Oh...Christmas will come again. I really want to have a chance to celebrating Christmas like you :) Enjoy!
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