Sexing blame
OK so I havent done this for a wile.. i need to let off some steam, its kevs birthday today.. and Ronan day but im oh so depressed and i have to let it out some place, so hopefully knowing kev he will only read one post at most so ill do my happy birthday bit later.. so that shows first and all.. any way, work.. yep this again... I want scream some now and write some swear words and stuff, the old who said u said she said and all that.. but im just to low for all of that.. the top and bottom is im just so sick of getting the blame and the piss being taken.. this week the work has been really,really,really bad... really bad, and there are 2 gals thier who are really ovb not conserntating on what they are doing... but I am!! oh so very much.. im good at my job and it might not be much of ow't but i take pride in it.. i do in everything i do.. I wrok damb hard to make sure people dont think im a slacker.. or likeness, But still I have been taken off the carsell TWICE this week, I calmly asked Anne - why she would chose me again.. and i quote "It doesnt take much working out" and i said " Im sorry what are you telling me? Because I havent found enough wrong, im too blame?" she couldn't answer got all huffy and puffy... keeped saying it was me.. that it was like all in my head.. She said "it all comes down to you have a problem with being taken off..".. I told her.. "I dont as long as its done fairly!!!" anyway a lot was said.. she turned her back on me and walked away. I was so angery.. went back to my place, Pam was consered about me and i told her the glist, basically I was being held to blame because i hadnt pulled enough out. Pam was mad too.. told me to go out and calm down but I told her no cos it'll look like im storming off... so I carryed on.. it was right at the end anyways so it was like 5 minutes left... I went though to the loos and Ali my friend was in there, she told me she feels im being treated very unfairly.. with that Anne came in and said loudly across the room"Kelly come with me, for a word." Of course there was nobody who hadnt heard that. She took me in the store room. I tryed very hard to keep calm but tears still ran down my face. She told me that she wanted to know why I have a problem with being taken off, when I'd argread to it in the office with everyone else" My reply again was"I dont!, as long as its done fairly..and it isnt!!!" I fact is there is 12 of us there at the moment.. and it the same people who are getting blamed, time and time again.. She added why arent i complaining that Tanja and amanda are being pulled up to then... I said "its up to them to stick up for them selfs.. if they want to be treated like that then it is up to them. but I won't be!"- aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh im so sick of it!!!!! anyways an hour has passed now and Ive got to make kevs birthday dinner.. so ill be back later....Ok Thankfully Kev just thought I was up set over not being able to find the candles for his birthday cake.. so hes happy and all, I made him A nice birthday dinner cos of us out later... anyways... The point that has really made me really upset more than anyother, Is that Anne has been talking to Norma - the old boss from years ago.. she said she has all the old records and she said that they "prove" that it was good when i left then bad when i came back ~ which is a lie. out right lie. and she basically has it in for me, it all comes back around again. The fact is though...
Note to self!!!!....
- I am good at my job!!!!
- I have never tested badly... ever!
- Its offen good when im in
- It has been very bad when ive been off
- It was bad years before i ever came
- it was still bad "up and down" when i was off
- I know people "look out for eachother"
- what ever i do it has no change on the sexing
- I have pulled out 30 once in a box with Tanja
- Im carefull at my work
- I always know what the birds are when they are passed around.. and I show them to pam to double check
- I always ask if i dont know
- I can write a million reasons or more why its not me...
- I can only think of 1 that would make any one think it is... and that is because it seems to go better or perfect when im off sometimes.. or the last 2 times ive not been taken off...
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