Nutter and Butter!!!!
Thinking : I got 1 cold hand, and 1 hot hand..
Eatting : nope, had tuna fish and rice for tea though *yummy*
Drinking : nope, thursty too doh!
Feeling : er... chirstmasy
Listening to: boys of the summer, dh
Surfing :french strange site ment to be in english?!
Ha ha ya.. what did I tell u!, The christmas tree I wannted has now been discontined! and that really sucks! so we went every where last night trying to find one... we ended up where we started in the end.. as u do, lol... anyways turns out the bloody thing was flat packed! oh my god u would not belive the game i had.. no not putting it up.. putting it together, all the branches was coded so they have to go in a certain spot like.. so crazy, and of course have the codes was none oh the joys of chirstmas eh? so anyways with all me hard work and all im gonna show it off now.... The tree was a bit of a bargin to cos i brought it at b&q and there is 20% off at the moment there on that stuff so that was good...
So there it is my christmas tree, doesnt look to much in the pic but it is pretty even if i do say so my self... It has little twinkling lights on it.. those micra lights... and lilac, purple, sliver and white, themed with the rest of the house...
Well im all ho ho ho 'd out at the mo... im still working on the house decs.. so much I cant really take pics of.. ive got light all around the top of the picture rail in the living room... light gallands i made over the curtains and fireplace, Ive got the little tree showen above in our dinning room window, well its 3 ft but the window is like 9 ft squared so it looks little... I have all the fun things in there, like kevs singing reindear, which is oh so cute.. I got the white raindear yesturday, its so cuddly and soft (as kev is cuddling it in picture) My fireplace... er ya as i said ive made the light garland from scratch so it wasnt easy with limited funds and all but it looks nice now its done... yay! and we got stockings too yep! way hey! , u see ive never had a fireplace before, and it something ive always wanted.. ( ive been doing a lot of work on it though the summer.. putting lighting it it, shaping it up new again, painting it... that kinda thing) so having being able to have stocking and stuff on it is so cool right now.. they are totally emty though, which sucks!, but hey there is time yet... and for the rest of the house we have coloured lights, but same coloured theme for every thing else..

Any ways.. the piggy naming has finished now... or so i have been told lol
Kev has decided they are gonna be called nutter and butter like it or not ya...
What I did only just noice today too is that "Nutter" the dark one with the patches (looks like a skunk) has 3 black feet and one white one.. he looks so funny, so i think he should have an indian name too like has an odd paw.. oh ok its late im off now....
WOW WOW WOW Christmas tree in the trend 2005! Nutter and Butter are so cute ^^
tree is cool, done a real good job of it
Love you lass x x x x x x x x
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