sticky tape & glue
Thinking : Ro's got a new tattoo
Eatting : grapes
Drinking : nope
Feeling : bizzie
Listening to: unwritten, nb
Doing: Scanning
Yep look at Ronan *yay* 12 days now till I lose me voice,
throw me knickers, and be devorced,
lol... nah i'll be all lady like im sure
*screams with laughter*
So ya, yesturday was the big go out and buy big cribbo shop like.. * tears out hair* oh dear god... well I guess 90% of it is done now at least... its so hars to find stuff as it is though, but when ur broke its even harder.. ah! this chirstmas wasn't ment to be like this.. it should'da all been sorted now.. but no, the house sale STILL hasnt gone though... ok lets not think about that... Yep so after all the buying of the presants and all that, I had to wrap em all up too, and there was a lot... all bad shaped stuff, Kev is oh so very biz at the mo ( as always) with being the boss and his course work, as well as every day life on top, so he was and is too busy to wrap my preasants up too, so ya I kinda did them too... figured it was better for me to do them then them being there and me looking at them till chirstmas... kev did do the tags for a couple though, but then he wasnt around so i put on to me from never mind, i'll just keep telling myself next year will be different, lol anyways chirstmas wouldnt be chirstmas without saying it i guess...
Oh Ya and peeps if u want me to send u a chirstmas card u will have to email me ur home address really soon, cos im writing em out and will be sending em out really soon ok.. so if u want one, u know what u gotta do... oh and for those people who "think" I have there home addresses I probley dont, cos I can bearly remember me own address....
Any ways gonna start on the card pile now...
Thanks for commenting... *Yay* (got loads!)
inner child, aejaz, Ronan, pook, & kev
Eatting : grapes
Drinking : nope
Feeling : bizzie
Listening to: unwritten, nb
Doing: Scanning
Yep look at Ronan *yay* 12 days now till I lose me voice,
throw me knickers, and be devorced,
lol... nah i'll be all lady like im sure
*screams with laughter*

So ya, yesturday was the big go out and buy big cribbo shop like.. * tears out hair* oh dear god... well I guess 90% of it is done now at least... its so hars to find stuff as it is though, but when ur broke its even harder.. ah! this chirstmas wasn't ment to be like this.. it should'da all been sorted now.. but no, the house sale STILL hasnt gone though... ok lets not think about that... Yep so after all the buying of the presants and all that, I had to wrap em all up too, and there was a lot... all bad shaped stuff, Kev is oh so very biz at the mo ( as always) with being the boss and his course work, as well as every day life on top, so he was and is too busy to wrap my preasants up too, so ya I kinda did them too... figured it was better for me to do them then them being there and me looking at them till chirstmas... kev did do the tags for a couple though, but then he wasnt around so i put on to me from never mind, i'll just keep telling myself next year will be different, lol anyways chirstmas wouldnt be chirstmas without saying it i guess...
Oh Ya and peeps if u want me to send u a chirstmas card u will have to email me ur home address really soon, cos im writing em out and will be sending em out really soon ok.. so if u want one, u know what u gotta do... oh and for those people who "think" I have there home addresses I probley dont, cos I can bearly remember me own address....
Any ways gonna start on the card pile now...
Thanks for commenting... *Yay* (got loads!)
inner child, aejaz, Ronan, pook, & kev
Sombody help me, I have two ronan concerts to go too this month. Oh well guess shes worth it
Hey Kel, thanks for checkin out my lil page. And I must say, yours rocks! Ya! Think I'll be saying "ya" more often now too. Sorry to say, but who is this Keaton fellow and what on earth is a chicken sexer?? @_@
Saw ur blog its interesting...will keep on checking it..
Keep up the good work..
take care
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