Ghosts of chirstmas
Argh shouldnt of eatten cheese... Well me Dad always told me it'd give me night mares and all.. I woke up this morning up frown'in and stressed.. Opened my heavy eyes and saw the red numbers of the clock staring back at me.. they said 4'44am. id been layed there for which had felt like forever already.. then it hit me Its chirstmas day today.. me heart fell some more.. why did feel like such a bad thing?, I then remembered I had forgotten to also put Ian and nathans gifts in the bag yesturday too... now they wont get theres till after chirstmas.. this is bad.. i have forgotten so much and so many people.. I hate that.. it hurts so much to be forgotten...
So ya even today of all days I can still here today.. i can here Annes voice ecoing in my head... It doesn't take much working out... all those comments she had made the day before yesturday. Ive got a hard time coming up, im going to have to do a lot of fighting and I really DONT want to!!!!!!!!!!! The dream was that same old dream.. with just a few differences.. this time It was Julie... she was stood there just looking at me, all these birds anne was pulling out again and again.. and julie just stood there looking straight though me... You see they'll all belive what ever anne goes with.. or rather against.. and it wont take long for me to be completly alone. And im scared to death. My chirstmas wish is just to stop getting blamed!!!! I havent done anything to deserve this!!!!
Merry Christmas, Kel. I love my Blog Online Community! xoxoxoxoxo
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