piggypage: I got half priced beanies too yep....

Thursday, December 30, 2004

I got half priced beanies too yep....

So yep.. its been a ikle wile and all since me lasty posty thingy... yer *cough*
Oh ya im still all sick and all.. I know so full of me self and all.. when all this bad stuff is happening in the world today.. we donno how lucky we all are... so yep back to the shallowness....
What i got for chirstmas........................Kev got for chirstmas.....
Di' camera...................................................Dvds.... like loads erm like 20
er... beanies................................................kylie cd
Ronan... *cough* cds, callender... ..............Kylie callenders- big one and small one
A hegehog crystal ......................................smellys.... loads and loads
candles.. and holders .................................Pen
Dust buster.. mini vacume cleaner .............keyring ....and some other stockin fillers
..................................................................need for speed
We got vouchers and stuff to like... gonna get some suit cases tonight... cos we are going to Edinburgh for the weekend.. its like 8 hours drive up the conuntry and we are at work that day too.. so ya.. going tomorrow evening.. straight from work... all ready and stuff for when we get there... yep going for the week end... gotta be back for work for monday morn like so we will be traveling sunday night prob... anyways did you all have a nice chirstmas? yeah i know most of ya probley didnt and all, chirstmas is depressing i know... Ours was quite but nice though... Think ive reaked me camera already... i know i know... took me what till boxing day... Erm ya I got kev loads more other stuff too but i cant think of at the mo... anyways im too lazy to write anymore just yet so ya... gotta go work in 15 mins anyways so bye...
Have a happy new year if im not back before then.... Thanks for commenting erm.... *looks* ,Pook,Inner child and the editor


At Monday, January 03, 2005 7:13:00 pm, Blogger 金寶 said...

Howdy, sounds like you got tons-o-goodies. Hope you had a nice little weekend getaway.

At Monday, January 03, 2005 7:15:00 pm, Blogger 金寶 said...

woah doggy! that geologic thingy on your page is uber neato. I'm gonna scam it!!!


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