Thinking : I want...
Eating : advent choclate :-)... was carol singer
Drinking : bitter lemon
Feeling : like not going work lol
Listening to: heaven knows
Surfing : 9 live quiz tv
So ya I waited in all day yesturday and my side bored didnt come.. of course the gental soul that i am I was calm and ok about this... ya.... kev had made a poster for the door any everything saying if no answer go next door and a huge <---- at the building - with the name of the building, well it seems the driver couldnt either read of was blind.. so now we have got to wait for yet another date for it to be delievered... *rips hair out* I want it so bad.. i saved up all me pennys for it.. i worked so hard!! and im gonna be paying it off still for another 6 months too... anyways - Breathe..... Ya I have to got back to work really soon again..( to pay for the sidebroad i havent got)... Oh and today I should be picking up our christmas tree too... I really hope so, but if something can go wrong... But on the plus, I do got a set of cute guinea pigs :-) Oh they are so lo'vdy yep im well babying them... mind u so is kev at that..
latest surgestions:
DONT FORGET TO KEEP E'M COMING.... Oh and kevs still not named the chincilla either, nah well he'll have to be knowen as chinny jr,
Anyways gotta go mop some floors ....
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