piggypage: November 2005

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


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Track: Ugly
Artist: Sugababes
Album: Taller In More Ways

When I was 7,
They said I was strange,
I noticed that my eyes and hair weren't the same,
I asked my parents if I was OK,
They said you're more beautiful, And that's the way,

They show they wish, They had your smile,
So my confidence was up for a while,
I got real comfortable with my own style,
I knew that they were only jealous ..... cos....

People are all the same,
And we only get judged by what we do,
My personality reflects me,
And if I'm ugly then,
So are you,
So are you,

There was a time when I felt like I cared,
That I was shorter than everyone there,
People made me feel like life was unfair,
And I did things that made me ashamed,
Cos I didn't know my body would change,
I grew taller than them in more ways,
But there will always be the one who will say, Something bad to make them feel great...

Cos, People are all the same,
And we only get judged by what we do,
My personality reflects me,
And if I'm ugly then,
So are you,
So are you,

People are all the same,
And we only get judged by what we do,
My personality reflects me,
And if I'm ugly then,
So are you,
So are you,

Everybody talks bad about somebody,
And never realises how it affects somebody,
And you bet it won't be forgotten,
Envy is the only thing it could be,

Cos... people are all the same,
And we only get judged by what we do,
My personality reflects me,
And if I'm ugly then,
So are you,
So are you,

People are all the same
(Oh, oh, oh)
And we only get judged by what we do
(What we do, yeah)
My personality reflects me
And if I'm ugly then
(Yeah, so are you)
So are you
So are you

I wanted to post the lyrics to this song because.... I feel that the words to this song are so true, and feel a connection to my own life.

I love comments :)

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Children In need update

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On the night Children in need raised over 17,000,000 (still raising)
I f you haven't donated yet and wish to you can find out how in the post below.

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Friday, November 18, 2005

Children in need Night

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So tonight is children in need night, you may well of read my post about it last year. its a time when the Uk comes together to collect money to help, you guest it... children in need.
Children whom are ill, dieing, lost there familys etc around the UK.
if you wish to donate you can do so on
www.bbc.co.uk/pudsey or ring UK 08457 33 22 33
please show your surport - Thankyou!
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Sorry perfect people

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So, here's the bitchin bit...
I was in the local supermarket yesterday, minding my own business looking at the magazines, I was there with my husband, there was these two dudes there also looking at the magazines...
I was there looking for the latest xbox 360 mag for my husband, we was looking for it for a wile. These blokes was looking over laughing...
we realized it wasn't there and started to walk away... I heard one of the men then say to the other, laughing and sarcastically... "Do you think he with her." I turned around as they walked further away, not looking back, one of the men was now stood there laughing to the other pulling his arms out wide and making a bloated face. Taking the pi** basically out of me.

It really made me wonder how someone who is in there late 40's can still be so immature, and not only one person but 2 of them too. I am sickened by them. I could of stood there laughing over them also, there is plently to pull fault on but I do not wish to do the same as they do.

most of all I am so disappointed that they did not see me, they did not see that I was well dressed, clean clothes, good perfume, well mannered. None of this mattered, they did not see me at all... they only saw Fat.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2005


geeze So yep, its Wednesday... I am a "little" stressed about work at the moment, I dont wanna get into it too much, its not gonna help right now.
I have a film I wanna plug, sure you have probley heard about it already...
"War of the worlds" and a cool link... http://www.waroftheworlds.com/ its a well smart site, The movie is hot, really cool. Hollywood at its best!

The basic plot is that Earth is invaded by alien tripod fighting machines, and Toms family fights for survival. I was very easyily drawen into this film, It really isnt long before you really start to care for them. Dakota Fanning, who plays the little girl in the film is fantastic! Tom is just as good too, The teenager.. (Justin chatwin) I wanted to punch his lights out! there are a lot of sit on the edge of your seat moments, where you have to scream at the tv, so maybe not one to watch in a large group. we found oh selfs just saying God they have had it, they are so Dead, you cannot possibly beat those things. In there position its very hard to know what you could do. The effects are pretty amazing. Its ovb, that its a S.S film. Quality ozes from it!
So good, Im gonna have to buy it :P

Thanks for the comments! Cheers.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Watching the paint dry

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My new Kitchen
(Above) My new Kitchen, well my new look one at least.. I have spent the last week Painting and working on it. Gonna spend the next for months paying for it too...
(below) My old look kitchen....

what it used to be like
I'm much happier with this room now. There are still a couple of finishing touches to be made but most of the hard work is done now. I have also ordered a newside board for our Living room, a 4 door one... & I have also ordered Treggys Birthday present... A really smart comfortable big dog bed too, so he can get cosey in here ( living room) with us,

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Monday, November 14, 2005

wedding bells

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big news... My mum and Roy have got Engaged, it took place on saturday night... they plan to get married early next year and honeymoon in Canada.
It was also my sisters wedding an yesturday also, they have been married a year now.

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How long is a piece of string?

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Oh god, yet again... fastly approaching is the Christmas rush *holds head in hands* I have started my shopping, thankfully I don't have Pam to buy for this Christmas :P LOL, OJ... She is going away to Egypt for a few weeks over Christmas, so *sniff* I will be sat in mute at work...
Nah well... Err Oh the other worry at Christmas is that I won't have enough cards for my string I put proudly up each year, every year there seems to be a craze with seeing who can hand out the smallest cards... Last year I upset a few people by calling the cards they gave me gift tags, but hey what really is the difference? A wee ikle card or a givetag, when I get like 20 gift tags instead of cards it looks like I've got no mates... Not happy... So peeps I am that shallow, send me big cards LOL

So yep I have made it clear to all that will listen that I want big or at least normal size cards for me string, The string that I haven't even put up yet...
Some may state to put up a shorter string in the starts with, but no *shakes head* That would just be selling my self short, and giving in *nods*

Oh yep, anyways also with the hole crimbo thing... We are having another sexers party *nods* like the 2nd one ever, God help me, no really... At least last year I could drink and got VERY drunk, and repeatably broke out in fits of laughter for no reason at all, chucked food at the boss, this also repeatably, er, u name it.... will it was like 1.pm still lol, and everyone was oh so sobber

*looks for a big enough stone to crawl under*

gonna put the decs up at the beinging of dec, on my blog too *grins*
Thanks so much for the comments :D
I love comments :)

Friday, November 11, 2005


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Well yep its Armistice day... or as I call it Poppy day *grins* I like poppys... anyways...
(below) London,with the london eye pictured to the right. a modern twist to Armistice day....
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Today is The day we remember those who died for us in the war - The first world war... Millions of peeps across Britain stand still and silent for 2 minutes at 11am to mark Armistice Day and to remember all those who died in the war.
The 2 minute silence at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month represents the moment when the guns fell silent in 1918, or so im told anyways...

When big ben stricked there is ment to be something like 45 million people who stopped what they were doing to honour those who fought and died for this country. Towns and cities came to a standstill, peeps stood about everywhere like, while businesses and schools
paused to reflect. even moi. yep, I coughed and got the look of death, It is not disrepectfull to cough *shakes head* twit.

er... yep also peeps buy paper poppy and wear them, to show respect, and well it gives the charity money and stuff... peeps who have lost family members, I think in any war it helps... er yep... many the poppys worn and sold are red, but some choose to wear a white poppy, as to show repect for those who have died through war, but didn't and dont believe in war.the classic poppy I believe the poppy was choosen because thats where the solders fell to, Poppy fields, at least that is what they told us when we was kids.

For me when I see the paper poppys for sale it takes me back to being 7 or 8, at primary school. I didn't mind it there to much, it was'nt great or anything but its after that things went down hill... I HATED secondary school, with a passion. its been 6 1/2 years since I left, the people I still talk to from there, they wanna go back, Me no way! I really don't think I could live those years again if I had to, I'd just die I really would. I was bully pretty bad as a kid, but when I hit secondary school it got real bad... Constant.

My home life was no better either... When I look back all I see is darkness... from the ages of 11 - to 16 they was the worse, When I was 16 I left school, I lost over 5 stone that year, I had my first "proper" boyfriend, My Dad was dieing in hospital, had 3 days to live we was told, then with an act of God or something started to get better. one of my friend aho I knew since I was 4 hung himself, it was a strange year. Things was as good as they could be at that time....Later, I realised that boyfriend was the devil himself and had to go though a hole load of heartache. I lost 3 jobs that year, I didn't seem to fit in anywhere but I stuck at them all, but everywhere I went got closed down... My mum didnt make things easyer either but thats a hole other story. I was pretty low.

I was out of work for a few months, trying hard to get in someplace... but nothing for ages, as a last resort I picked out a few jobs and ap' I was walking down a road in town reading the this from the job center, I had one for a packing place, I lived close thought it was perfect, another for a hotel across town, and lastly for a chicken sexer... that job sounded hard, but I couldn't be choosey.....
I remember passing a white sports car parked by the path, I had become intrested in cars as I was coming up to driving age.... I looked at it and throught {id love a car like that} it made me turn my head.
I went for an interview for the packing, never heard from them again.... nothing from the hotel, then I got an interview at the hatchery, went... got the job, Norma said she'd "give me a chance" I started there the following week, I was sat waiting where I had been put, and little did I know but the next person to come though that door was Kev,

He brust though the door, rushing to get his break, he stopped dead when he saw me sat there... he smiled and said hello, to me and I said, shyly "Hi" But its what I thought that was strange, I took one look at him and I thought {so there you are}, weird,
It was at that point Norma appeared, and I was taken away. After I finished my first day of work, I walked home and all I could think of was him. but in a strange way, I knew he was special some how.

I liked him loads, and hoped I would see him each day, I got to know his name, and he was told my name was Katie, lol... This bloke at work started to give me a lift each morning, one morning I got up well late, and almost missed my ride, I ran after him pulling my top on and my hair back from my face, no makeup, Nothing... had'nt even combed my hair... terrible... I sat there panicing, fiddling trying to make the best of it all...
the fella had to drop is car off, had to leave it at the garage... had someone waiting at the garage to take us to work.... of all mornings for me to be late.

I got out of the car, he told me, go get in that white car over there, pointing at a white sports car, No! I thought its THAT car, same road everything, I VERY shyly went over, slowly pulled the handle , it opened, I had come to the right car...
I had No idea who would be sat there.... but guess who was! Kev. I got in, Scared to death! then the other fella too... they talked and laughed about me being so late etc. I died lol

about a month went passed of us chatting, sitting togther, chucking stuff at each other, u know how it goes... I was conviced he must be with someone, and he thought the same of me. both of us too affaid to ask.

then one day, Kev asked me for my phone number. woo hoo! I gave it. he gave me his. we texted each other later that night, I didnt text too much was trying to play it cool. that next day
he text me again, I was walking into town, he said he'd meet me. woo hoo!
he took me to meet his mates in the pub, he was trying to play it cool too lol, but, I didn't realise was all those mates was Girls! oh my god, I sat there girls everywhere around me, I was New meat.... they all came in, one by one and hugged kev, kissed him on the cheek... I was waiting for one of them to snog him or something... I didnt know if any of them was his girlfriends or if they was just mates... and was I just another girl mate?

A bit later we went go to some other place where he had arranged to meet yet more mates, these ones how ever was blokes, Blokes I can handle... they are no threat to me. Im a tom boy.
We got on well togther all of us, and had a laugh, Kev later asked me was I out tonight? he asked did I wanna come out with us? lol, he ment will you go out with me, but had no gutts to say that.

I had to pick up the thing I was in town for for mum, we did... waited for a taxi with it, we just stood there grinning so stupidly at each other. The taxi came, and now was the moment, it was gonna happen or not, I said goodbye, he did too I waited a second or so, and *laughs* he plugged at me to kiss me, misses terribly and runs like mad across the road scared to death, I will never forget his face, lol
I sat in the taxi trying to be carm, I was screaming inside.

The rest of the day I never took me eye off the phone thinking he was gonna cancel on me, now I know he was doing the same too lol,
we met up that night as we planned we would, I decided yep, Now I know he likes me for sure, he kissed me so yep... im in, so I figured when I saw him I would kiss him for real this time...
There he was stood in front of me, walking towards each other, about 2 foot away, he turned right and ran in to a shop, screaming something about chewing gum... *shakes head*

Then one of his mates - a girl mate, wouldn't leave us alone following us everywhere.... she knew it was our first date and all... anyways The first minute she left us alone I reached over the table grabbed him by the collar, pulled him over and kissed him, he looked scared.

6 months later he asked me to marry him, 18th months after that we was Married. we have been togther for over 5 years now, married for 3,
Oh and the car, its Mine now :D

Thanks for the comments!
I love comments :)

Sunday, November 06, 2005

hard days night....

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ha ha ha, I am ment to be working, cleaning the house up, but I am not... yep me bad... anyways
I have been supervising real hard ;) Yep, er... "we" ;) have put in a new floor in the living room dinningroom, yay and all... the dog - treg kinda ate the old one so, it kinda had to happen... so thats been making me busy... The watching kev work is so tierin...
oh we also, NOPE I can take credit for this :P, I have been painting the house, yay and all... *wipes sweat from forehead* Oh and I dusted and stuff too...
yeah Im not even gonna go into what kev been doing :P
he's a good lad, (add that in case he reads this :P)

erm... yep I'm gonna be paying for it all like, so its my right to do, bugger all. lol

Ya I should post a picture like....

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My living room floor :D
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So thats me fire place w/e above, replaced now :D

Oh yep, My mums been doing it again, what shes good at, no.not chucking paint all over b&q, this time starting on poor little charity workers...

So this woman rings her up, says... hello Mrs ...... would you like to buy some raffle tickets?
Mum goes, er no!,
the woman goes on some more....
then Mum goes....
no, no I don not want to buy your raffle tickets...
The woman carrys on....
Mum then goes, stop putting on that stupid voice Kelly! and tell me what u want...
Oh but no, it wasn't me :P
The woman explains the charity again, with not kelly on the end...
anyways, Mum is having none of it, and belives its me....
The woman... still going on, Mum just goes... F**k off Kelly, tell me what ur ringing for!
The woman then seems to change her tone (no surprise there)
she says... I really am from the blind socity charity... do you still think its Kelly?
Mum then realised it wasn't me....
The woman said will you please buy my raffle tickets after swearing at me?
Mum with a face sooo red she thought she'd blister... said No and hung up.
*shakes head* blood from a stone.... lol

Oh ya, yesturday was Firework night... yep, I donno if non british places w/e have it? Guy forks night or w/e its called...
Remember, Remember the 5th of november,
Gun powder, Treason and plot...
Yeah we didnt do anything nope, we did it the week before *nodds* at Alton towers like,
Yeah if you live someplace else, you will have to tell me if it is any where else...
er... I guess it wouldnt be, like we dont have er.... thanks giving or... er.. Inderpence day... stuff like that...

There was this program on telly, I taped the first part, didnt know there was more *shakes fist at tv* was well good, they built an actual house of lords... just like it was 400 years ago! (1605) built it out of the same stuff... filled it with 36 barrels of gunpowder and blew it up...
cool, of course it wasnt in the center of london... or with parlement in it... nor the queen but still, ya kinda got the point....

Oh ya, they (in real life) have also "activated" the old treason laws too *Nods* so people whom say stuff about the country i.e blowing it up being a good thing... get sent to prison, I guess its only in the extreme cases and all...
I love comments :)

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Smells fishy...

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So I figured I would be oh so very British today and talk about the weather.. cos its so warm still, its Mad, crazy I tells ya... er Ok so it was "strange" when it was september or even october, but now its scary- its November, and peeps still are in summer gear, I took in a hole load of me summer, none frost hardy plants in like - woo way back, maybe end of August like, and still we haven't had a single frost! - whicj is a good thing cos, i've been to lazy to bring the rest in :P
The other thing is.... Me Koi, they are normally all sleepy and still this time a year but no.....
some of my Koi
So yep, there was the weather and all...

Oh ya there was this thing in my magazine "heat" with Gwyneth Paltrow, she was in there all slagging of everything british, and how crappy everything is... to her internet? to the weather?and how dirty the "paths?" are, silly cow, If you hate the UK so much p**s off back to the u.s, She was all slagging off british men 2 a few years ago, then she goes marry one... thick cow *shakes fist* I have never been to the states, or have anything against it there, but hey it never rains there? or gets cold? or well has dirt outside? She was all complaining at always having to wear layers, and carrying an unbrella, well I dont carry one and I cope just fine, do get wet a lot but thats so not the point :P
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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Our Halloween!

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So, Last Night was Halloween and all... We had a nice night in and stuff, We watched a movie... Constantine, watched it before Great movie... Oh ya there was the lighting of the punkin *nodds* I like Halloween :D, Hated it as a Kid, thought it was real *nodds* Thought they was gonna come get me, was never allowed to go trick or treating, so it sucked...
I Really wanted to have a party and stuff, get all dressed up, but it was a monday *sigh* & I know peeps did there stuff last saturday, but I was in Alton Towers... so that couldnt happen, Mind u At's was all dressed up with all the hallowine stuff anyways...
I keep saying it every year but next year im gonna have a party ... Yay... but it'll be a damb tuesday, which is worse lol... & everyone is boring and won't get dressed up, people suck. *smacks head on sofa*
Oh I also Goy dressed er? down lol, ya, Scary aint it, I forgot and looked in the mirror and scared my self lol, I did it to make Kev jump, Then I went to see if I could scare Treg, I jumped out on him and he just stood there laughing... He thought it was very funny.
My new look :P
I guess its Christmas soon though :D Although I've had all me pressies pretty much :P, Maybe I'll have a christmas party :D *looks at Kev* Im gonna, Im telling ya....
We can get dressed up as elfs and shit... Wait, what am I saying... this is the same misable bunch that don't where the paper hats in the crackers.... yeah... I'm dreaming

But I am defantly Having a Birthday party for Treg *nodds* yep, I've had it planned since he was like 9 weeks old!, Gonna have his fave people around only, no one that will scare him, or w/e, gonna get him a cake - just for him, get him a few toys and stuff, chews etc as pressies....
I will prob make some bits of food for his guests ;)
I told people like 6 months ago, that he was having a tea party etc, they laughed, I screamed lol, but hey, He is our baby, if I had a human baby that was 1 I would have a party right? the baby wouldnt know anything about it, Treg will even though hes 1, so why should'nt he have a nice birthday? Anyways its like 5th december so make note, and you can make ur cards and stuff in advance :D
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