Smells fishy...

So I figured I would be oh so very British today and talk about the weather.. cos its so warm still, its Mad, crazy I tells ya... er Ok so it was "strange" when it was september or even october, but now its scary- its November, and peeps still are in summer gear, I took in a hole load of me summer, none frost hardy plants in like - woo way back, maybe end of August like, and still we haven't had a single frost! - whicj is a good thing cos, i've been to lazy to bring the rest in :P
The other thing is.... Me Koi, they are normally all sleepy and still this time a year but no.....

So yep, there was the weather and all...
Oh ya there was this thing in my magazine "heat" with Gwyneth Paltrow, she was in there all slagging of everything british, and how crappy everything is... to her internet? to the weather?and how dirty the "paths?" are, silly cow, If you hate the UK so much p**s off back to the u.s, She was all slagging off british men 2 a few years ago, then she goes marry one... thick cow *shakes fist* I have never been to the states, or have anything against it there, but hey it never rains there? or gets cold? or well has dirt outside? She was all complaining at always having to wear layers, and carrying an unbrella, well I dont carry one and I cope just fine, do get wet a lot but thats so not the point :P

In thailand is also strange its rain rain rain and I got a cold cold cold...But I love Koi Koi Koi...Try to Teach them jump like Dolphin! They could!
Ooh, look at the pretty fishies! :)
Ahh, forget about Gwyneth Paltrow. She's still on my shite list for wearing that stupid fat suit in that movie "Shallow Hal".
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