How long is a piece of string?

Oh god, yet again... fastly approaching is the Christmas rush *holds head in hands* I have started my shopping, thankfully I don't have Pam to buy for this Christmas :P LOL, OJ... She is going away to Egypt for a few weeks over Christmas, so *sniff* I will be sat in mute at work...
Nah well... Err Oh the other worry at Christmas is that I won't have enough cards for my string I put proudly up each year, every year there seems to be a craze with seeing who can hand out the smallest cards... Last year I upset a few people by calling the cards they gave me gift tags, but hey what really is the difference? A wee ikle card or a givetag, when I get like 20 gift tags instead of cards it looks like I've got no mates... Not happy... So peeps I am that shallow, send me big cards LOL
So yep I have made it clear to all that will listen that I want big or at least normal size cards for me string, The string that I haven't even put up yet...
Some may state to put up a shorter string in the starts with, but no *shakes head* That would just be selling my self short, and giving in *nods*
Oh yep, anyways also with the hole crimbo thing... We are having another sexers party *nods* like the 2nd one ever, God help me, no really... At least last year I could drink and got VERY drunk, and repeatably broke out in fits of laughter for no reason at all, chucked food at the boss, this also repeatably, er, u name it.... will it was like still lol, and everyone was oh so sobber
*looks for a big enough stone to crawl under*
gonna put the decs up at the beinging of dec, on my blog too *grins*
Thanks so much for the comments :D

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