hard days night....

ha ha ha, I am ment to be working, cleaning the house up, but I am not... yep me bad... anyways
I have been supervising real hard ;) Yep, er... "we" ;) have put in a new floor in the living room dinningroom, yay and all... the dog - treg kinda ate the old one so, it kinda had to happen... so thats been making me busy... The watching kev work is so tierin...
oh we also, NOPE I can take credit for this :P, I have been painting the house, yay and all... *wipes sweat from forehead* Oh and I dusted and stuff too...
yeah Im not even gonna go into what kev been doing :P
he's a good lad, (add that in case he reads this :P)
erm... yep I'm gonna be paying for it all like, so its my right to do, bugger all. lol
Ya I should post a picture like....

My living room floor :D

So thats me fire place w/e above, replaced now :D
Oh yep, My mums been doing it again, what shes good at, no.not chucking paint all over b&q, this time starting on poor little charity workers...
So this woman rings her up, says... hello Mrs ...... would you like to buy some raffle tickets?
Mum goes, er no!,
the woman goes on some more....
then Mum goes....
no, no I don not want to buy your raffle tickets...
The woman carrys on....
Mum then goes, stop putting on that stupid voice Kelly! and tell me what u want...
Oh but no, it wasn't me :P
The woman explains the charity again, with not kelly on the end...
anyways, Mum is having none of it, and belives its me....
The woman... still going on, Mum just goes... F**k off Kelly, tell me what ur ringing for!
The woman then seems to change her tone (no surprise there)
she says... I really am from the blind socity charity... do you still think its Kelly?
Mum then realised it wasn't me....
The woman said will you please buy my raffle tickets after swearing at me?
Mum with a face sooo red she thought she'd blister... said No and hung up.
*shakes head* blood from a stone.... lol
Oh ya, yesturday was Firework night... yep, I donno if non british places w/e have it? Guy forks night or w/e its called...
Remember, Remember the 5th of november,
Gun powder, Treason and plot...
Yeah we didnt do anything nope, we did it the week before *nodds* at Alton towers like,
Yeah if you live someplace else, you will have to tell me if it is any where else...
er... I guess it wouldnt be, like we dont have er.... thanks giving or... er.. Inderpence day... stuff like that...
There was this program on telly, I taped the first part, didnt know there was more *shakes fist at tv* was well good, they built an actual house of lords... just like it was 400 years ago! (1605) built it out of the same stuff... filled it with 36 barrels of gunpowder and blew it up...
cool, of course it wasnt in the center of london... or with parlement in it... nor the queen but still, ya kinda got the point....
Oh ya, they (in real life) have also "activated" the old treason laws too *Nods* so people whom say stuff about the country i.e blowing it up being a good thing... get sent to prison, I guess its only in the extreme cases and all...

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