Dash to the board

december concert...
erm I've brought tickets to go to see David Gray (link)
but it seems as if nobody knows who he is.... *shrugs*
its cheap. lol.... and I like his voice. I got tickets though work- the club w/e it is and its £10 a ticket instead of like £25 so I thought wtf basically. its cheaper than the pictures!
So Kev is going to yet another "dumb concert" he so doesn't get it at all.... I told him that id go with a mate then he was like... oh no! Im going.... blah
so note for december when u start bitching kev - You want to go! lol - im such a bully.
last horror movie...
oh if u like horror movies u should watch this movie called the "last horror movie" yep...,. its not for the faint though.... trust me!
its been going around the mob... everyones watching it and it mess's with everyones head so... yep. if u see it or have seen it let me know ur thoughts on it.
My mate Julie wanted to take it to the police station... watch it and u will understand.
we went out and got sims 2 ex pack nightlife... thats pretty good.... you can date now... and you can have ur own cars and garages.... stuff like that.
we have been pretty hooked on that for the last week.
and then....
oh im also ov getting old or something cos i've taken up cross stitch or w/e. im doing a stitch thing of my dog Treg... its taken me all night to do his ears *claps* its hard work - ive got finger and eye ache, lol
I'll maybe post it when it done...
oh I got a what's it for my pc too.... a sliver light up thing.... "usb sound box" it makes my music soooo much better. too tired for this midnight blogging sucks. ;)
thanks for the comments guys! cheers!!!!