Without a phone right now! argh!!!!

Below the phone I have on order.... On vodaphone "Samsung D500" *claps*

Oh my god its like 1998 all over again, that was the last time I didn't have a mobile. IM gonna go into town in a minute in a boyzone t.shirt meet my 14 yr old mates and talk about boys...
like how gross they are etc.... Apart from boyzone of course... yep
so *reaches back to 2005* blim'by
I have sold my mobile as it is how we say here c**p well ok not the phone, the is well good, but the network "3" are soooooo bad - seriously don't make that mistake
I donno if u have the network aboard from mainland England but here the net work sucks!
My Friend whom is also on the 3 network had to ring to get an ambulance out, and she was bleeding etc - pregnant too, and running all over trying to get a signal, when she got one is cut her off wile talking to the emergency services.
I can NEVER talk to any more than 1 minute without it cutting me off.
Oh I was seriously considering going to see the Sterophonics, they play in the next city on Wednesday, but it is expensive, and its on a Wednesday. And we will be dead for work.
If it had'a been R.keating then well I don't have to say really do I... LOL.
Ps notice my new blinkie bottons on the sidebar, my fanlistings etc - I made em yep *claps*
thanks for the comments

Cool Mobile, Now I got sony w800i :)
P.S. you got sim2 link :D
oh neat mobile :D and well speaking of yer other post i saw a documentary about that hayley kid.. ive seen one about some other girl with the same disease as well.. horrible stuff
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