feeling selfish

ive been working here for a wile now... http://skegnesshoilday.blogspot.com/ its a advert idea for my mums caravan they brought, got soooooo much more to change and add though...
so im crushed! today was the last day I will see ali in at very least months! shes moving a long way up north by the north west coast.... so, so, do not want her to go! but I know I have to surport her in it and all.... *frowns* I guess its for the best, her to be with her bloke and all....
Happy birthday(s) to you.....

Hey, I added your link :) (finally -_-) And dont feel selfish. It's not like you're the only one who's ever wanted their friend to stay behind :P I mean, I wanted Cole to stay behind from his field exercise for the army but well, he would have gotten arrested, lol.
Happy Birthday to Ronan & Claire
Don't worry Kel you will see Ali again. Cool Blog keep up the good work it always makes me happy to read your blogg, it is very you.
Love you babe x x x x x x x x x
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