piggypages birthday

...as of the 14th september this blog is 1 year old!!! *yay* u bet ya
...Happy birthday to Piggypage!
u sooo better send my blog happy birthday stuff
- he'll be all like [I dont know why I bother]

Im going to see them tonight! *nods* its a long story. but I gave in to the voices and now im going. if u haven't heard of the stereophonics - like nah I dont recon theres anyone like that left.... but still *rabbles a lot*
They are one of the coolest bands ever! no really... and not Ronan keating cool - I mean really cool , lol
*set the record straight* Ronan Forever *sigh* please tour soon!
erm can't wait to see this band... they are pretty good tickets too, seeing as we brought them like today. and im soooo in to the 'phonics right now too, its all there stuff Im listening too...
Thanks Kev For giving in to yet another on of my crazy wim's Love You !
any ways sure I will have loads to post about tomorrow after the show - and more time to do it hopefully ;)

Happy birthday to Piggypage!
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