Ok, so at last a picture... Sorry its poor -
I have lost my package I reduce my pics in right now...
It was a really good laugh, yes these are my rude balloons - sorry kids! (left) is my sister -Jackie, I know she doesn't look at all like me!(right) is my niece Nikki - the older one...
Nah it was a good night.. yep! er so yes.. It is my birthday on Thursday - 11th august *nod's* send me a card *shakes fist* ke16@btinternet.com *wink* :p
Oh my God! Seriously my Mum has done some pretty stupid stuff in the past but this just tops it all - no really... IM so sick I missed it and so mad that Roy never took pictures - LOL, he SO has not got the point in camera phones,
My mum went to the hardware store with Roy on thursday, To buy some paint... They made there choice.. Roy said "oh we will take 2 , and carry one each". There was a handle on the tin. As mum lifted the handle the lid flew off and went all down her from her NECK TO HER FEET! *laughs so hard it hurts* Mum turned to Roy and said "Oh God just look what I've done." Roy went and got a store worker and they just looked gone out at her... She was stood in a busy b&q people stood all around laughing... Well of course I mean for god sake I would of died laughing... But it was not her fault it was a faulty lid.. No NOBODY wanted to help! *shakes head* Roy said to the store worker that they will have to take her in the back to the staff room or something to help her, the fella rushed off - didn't come back... Roy then got a girl worker and explained - again, mum still stood head to toe with a full tin of paint down her... So much it soaked though all the layers she was wearing right to her underwear. Not good! The girl then went away then came back with a rusty old bucket filled with water, and a dirty dish cloth which mum said "stunk". My mum put her hand in to the water and burnt her self she yelped "och its scolding hot!!!!!" the girl shrugged her shoulders and said "yeah it is warm." They asked for the manager... After a long wait - still in the middle of the store! He appeared. Rude he snapped "Now how have you done that" looking her up and down. They told mum to go home and wash the clothes.. And agreed that if paint didn't come out that she shoud take them to a dry cleaners - then if the stain doesn't come out they "may" pay for the clothes to be replaced... Well The stain hasn't come out.. So watch this space...
But really I said to Mum you selfish cow! You could of at least popped round so I COULD OF SEEN, LOL they can laugh now at least... I can't see for tears ..LOL Very very sadly no pictures was taken..*heart broken* - what I would do for that surveillance tape!!!!
Thanks for all the comments!!!!!!!!!! :)