piggypage: ghostly happenings

Saturday, August 27, 2005

ghostly happenings

I REALLY! do not know where to start this post!, ok so Pam reckons theres a ghost in my house... *shivers* - ok in case you haven't worked out by my last year of posts in a frit rabbit.. I scare vvvvery easyily - so im NOT ok with this... *shakes head* help!

Ok so this is why we have come to this conlusion....
In the last month to 3 weeks... things have been setting them selfs off, I had a personal item start up on its own - wile I was in the room, then on the 25th of this month the alarm clock, which had a back up battery completly reset its self.... wile I was in the room with it! then... Yesturday the cooker clock which can't turn it self off or reset with out the mains going off... did - no power cuts, nothing

Now in the case of the alarm clock, (it was in want of a better word) - f**ked
I had been on the phone to Tommy, he'd said god you cant be in bed yet - its like 8.11 pm, I told him im gonna watch a movie... the phone hung up - poor signal ,

I looked at the time 8.16....
I called Kev into the "kev ring Tom back he wants to talk to you"... Kev came in, looked at the clock next to the phone, and said "Did we have a power cut?" ...."no" I replyed, "no way... no power cut! why?" "the clocks reset its self..."he said bamuzed, it couldnt of been cos the other one on my side of the bed was on - working - fine. the clock was flashing 12-00
When kev went to set the clock again... it wouldn't...
The alarm set up was on the clock mode,
Clock mode on the time set up... and so on, all back to front...

He was huffing and puffing about it .. then it all corrected its self. yep

Yesturday (26th) I was cooking dinner... Treggs my dalmatian was sat happyily looking up at the pizza, wagging his tail.
Then he stopped, stood bolt up, barking (rarely does he bark)
walking back wards ... I was stood right next to him, I looked staight towards what ever he was so affaid of... Nothing

Barking scared
He doesn't like strangers In the house... runs away, or goes on attack....
But he wasnt running as far as he would - i.e out of the room, just to me. He pushed him self up to me for comfert... I said to him "whats up boy?... whats the matter?" "I can't see anything?"... he was'nt looking at me still , just straight a head, rubbed his head, said "its ok! Mummys here baby" It was then that he looked at me...
his tail wagged again.. I walked over to where he was looking and I said "come here boy" he did - ran there.... happy, what he was affaid of was gone - with no doulbt he wouldn't of come there other wise.

I dismissed it.

Clock 2
Later - about an hour and a half, I went into the kitchen, (Treggy was outside)
I looked at the time - on the cooker as i always do... 1.32 pm
I looked away, I looked back and there it was - flashing again this time 0-00

I stood back, frowned face... "f**k me I said aloud... I went to the phone to ring kev... I told him You will never guess whats happened... he laughed in a voice that also said well f**k me,
I said to him - we've got a ghost, I was joking...
and Pam whom was in the living room over heard, I hung up and explained, she was screaming yep you defantly have a ghost... I screamed back at her "shut up - shut up, no I dont - no shut up! )

She recons shes gonna find out history on the house and the ground ect, I told her to im blue in the face! "I dont want to know!"
I have to live her moving is not an option... my husbands contract stops that, and im not leaving with out him, and I love my home.

So last night I got home at gone 1am from pictures (went to see dukes of hazzard) its a proper blokes film! I sleeped for about half an hour... dreaming of ghosts, woke up, layed there for 4 1/2 hours till the sun came up and I fell to sleep with no choice I had been awake off best part of 24 hrs

well other stuff has happened to like, us (kev and me) dreaming the same dream, about a ghost in the house, both at the same window, both reaching though the glass, both a woman, same room, both of us there togther in the dream - everything!
thats scary!

please comment and say, oh your wrong u have no ghost -
Thanks ;) its what I need to hear :)


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