got one coming....

*YAY* new toy - digital photo frame :) got it on order off the net, well good costing me only £125 instead of the £145 rrp, much cheaperThan an the memory frame! that i was looking into also It is well good! yep.
Erm..So I i've been feeling oh, so, slightly caged at the moment, haven'nt been anywhere all but work, and farmfoods... in the last week - this sucks by the way,Not that I've got a hole lot going on with me normally anyways, but still...
"you dont have to model it!"
Oh yes Pam, my mate saw a woman - yet again get covered in paint again!!Nono really, very much like what happened to my mum... (see older post)
she reached up to take a chart with colours on, as she did this a tin fell - hit the floor and opened right up - paint was flung right up her legs!
"pie with out the cottage"
Also im gonna ring the papers up soon, cos me mum is just making soooo much trouble with stores at the moment!, they've started on asda now too, lol.... I donno *shakes head* they (mum & roy) brought this cottage pie from there that had no meat in.... (oh my god end of the world) then in the same shop, brought a pita bread too, this when opened was green with mould*, gross
- so roy took the cooked cottage pie back to the shop the next morning - covered in melted cheese - lol he ordered the manager to come and talk to him - got out the tin and a folk and Roy said "do you see the meat in that?" the manager said "no." "Well neither could we" explained Roy. it was then that he took out the green pita bread lol.... they got the money back and a bit on top like too.

THAT!!!! WAS COOL!!!!!!
man, i've wanting one of those too, but they sure are spendy! but lucky you, enjoy!
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