This post could take some time....

so today is the day i have been dreading since christmas, yep its the day i have to go into hospital.. im so not happy about it but i have kinda harden my self to it now... its just been going one for to long- the huge buildup - waiting lists the un knowen.. I just want it over now.
So the medicine I have been taking since yesurday - every 15min 250ml has been making me so sick, like so sick it was funny lol, yep with out giving too much detail, i HAD to keep it down, and it was progtile vomit, I shoot it all over the kitchen window... like a scene in some doggie slap stick movie... lol it was sooooo funny ......nah well.
So we was driving about yesturday on our way to this place to look at a FTO (correct me kev if im wrong) it was well smart, and we saw this like - well what i thought was a circus, it was a "turf show" Kev was like oh its grass! I says nah its like another word for somthing... he goes NO ITS GRASS!!! he knows someone who has a stall there or something.. and its all just grass seed.... GOD HOW SAD IS THAT!!!!!! I love plants gardening etc... but at hole field with tents and stuff for grass seed, woooo I bet that was a buzz....
need more medicine... job done, well at least for the next 15mins... its gross, feel like im gonna blast the window again petty soon.. ok i know im gross lol,
So i also had to get this ring off that ive not taken off in like 5 years (cos u can only wear your wedding band) it took me 2 hours in all, soap, cream, butter, olive oil... u name it, oh and not forgeting like a tone of ice... well tank god its off, me finger is still twice the size it was and black, swollen mess but its off.. hurt *sniff*
so yes... u may of guessed by now that im feeling kinda sorry for me self right now. bare with me its just im such a big baby with all this. ok did i menion not eating since 2pm yesturday.. ya im really milking it i know...
erm so tomorrow the plan is take the dog to the breeders.. to see his old dalmatian family.. will be nice to see if he remembers them.. then in the late hours of friday.. early sat we are leaving for cornwall! 2 weeks we will be gone. I will try to post agin before we leave.
P.s did anyone see the end of 24? god what a show!!!.... I knew big bro had something up his sleave didnt i lol