More big bro please!!!!

"Science" Well he is just driving me crazy what a gobby sod, hes gotta go!!!
I still recon theres gonna be some kinda secret space somewhere in there too...
So yep I was not over the moon with joy when kev F**ked up the dvd recorder last night and taped hell kitchen instead *rips out hair* n/m w/e I guess, argh!!!!!!!!!!! lol

Still want maxwell to win!!! hes hands down my fave!!!!!

So we got the pond treatment - £22!!!! nah well as long as they are well it dont matter really i guess, the fish are worth much more anyways and they are pets and stuff sooooooo.... er ya and Roy keeps sending me these doggie jokes that try and make women look stupid *scratches head* yes that is a good way to impress me - send me rude sexest jokes.....
Oh and this other guy - donno who he recons to be wants to buy a car from me i dont own... cok co .... so yes wackie old lot out there it seems.
Ah, yes we also went into town today kev shopping for yes more hoilday clothes... he got well yes - A lot, but there was a lot of bargins and stuff in burtons - which is his fave store so that worked out... he got some flower shorts *giggles* and they suit him too. but what is it with all that pink in blokes shops now... really? lol all the blokes in there (wile i was waiting for kev to change in the c-rooms) was all going God not pink, and words to that effect.. anyways ive gone on about nothing for long enough so tat ta
Thanks 金寶 & Ronan for the comments!!!! cheers!!!!

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