big bro 2005

So ok I know I say it every time with the hole being busy so I wont this :-)time alright, er.. its kinda been the hottest couple of days ever here I recon, really - too hot. Im british and the british are not built for the heat *shakes head*
erm, so ive been Gardening and stuff as the norm.. I like plants *sounds soft* yep im a nerd I know... erm ya and me fish!!! me poor fishy died.. I have a .. or had a large Koi carp... Yesturday I saw his side looked dark in the water and we wiped him up in the net to check him out and all his belly was missing! God what a mess I was almost sick.. it was gross!!! he was a lovely fish really big too... T___T never mind I surpose hes better off out of that anyways.
Just got to hope the rest of the fish are ok.. they look ok, but u never really know. still we have ordered the treatment for the pond to be sure.

Erm Yes....Holidays
So I we go on hoilday for 2 weeks to cornwall hopefully the weather will stay good! *crosses fings*
erm we went to get our summer holiday clothes yesturday too, yep I brought the shop out! Got loads of nices tops... packed my suitcase already!
But so not looking forward to next thursday up the hospital.. I have issues with that place *shivers* I know im a baby but would u want a camera up ur bum really.. ok if u didnt say yuk no... I dont wanna hear about it lol.
& Babys...
Yep and a huge Congratulations goes out to Claire & simon too.. she is up the duff *claps* due on the 17th febuary *goes all motherly* so she I must admit all these babys coming and going around me is making me get a little broody but im in no real panic for em or anything.. I have a hole punch of kids to look after anyways (kev... and pets lol) & I donno if I already said but Ronan has his baby now too so congratulations to both him and Katie too...
Oh and Big brother!!!God come on Maxwell! Maxwell to win!!!! I hate derick, erm yep mainly just him, I dont like craig, I like saskia but shes starting to mess about with Maxwells feeling now so im going off her fast... er Im middle ground on a lot of them but, I donno we will see who goes up for eviction this week!?!Nominations Revealed...

Thanks for the comments!

so what are you trying to say, ppl that like fishies and plants are nerds!?!?! I have tons of fishies and plants at home. Damn proud of it too! ^_^ have a good vacation!
poor fishies.. and big brother rules :p
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