oh goodie another frog post!
So.. we went to get the crazy frog cd, but it had sold out everyplace we went.. Thye recon its the fastest single to be sold on tv too, so its gonna be number 1...
another crazy frog link.. with music clips extra - click here - They should be paying me for this lol..
He is so cute though!
So Kev is still away - half way around the world! - well ok hes acoss the water in holland - u could probley swim it to be honest. nah well *sigh*
Treggy is driving me a little crazy at the moment... he, - yes like me misses kev, and is,- yes like me... going a little crazy *tugs on hair a little* so hes been crying and screaming sits at the door all the time waiting... barking a lot - blah, yep its all gone yukky
so thats about it I recon... erm *thinks* Yes thats it for now
Thanks for the comments!!!!!!!! *yay*