time for a new look...

strange stuff on the net so ya thats there for no reason, this too.... er yep still in that funny mood!
so bored and nothing to post about I decided to go find something british to post about... ya after looking here at visit britain it kinda made me wanna move zzzzzz er
I found this a bit too amusing prob its the famous skeggy beach - its the closest to where I live... and where everyone goes around here I dont get to go all that much so its kinda nice to peek on whats going on... all though not a lot most of the time lol, not amusing as it was, on of my bestest mates moving away... far far away up north!!! ali 2 barrow! shes leaving with paul as soon as the house sells... we say we can go see them but it'll never happen, im gutted! its like 300 miles away or something.. very long drive.where im going in july on holiday thats also a long drive..
so kevs leaving me again tomorrow - another biz trip.. this time to holland! im kinda trying to block it out right now....
other stuff that sucks... er 2 people this last week topped em self my age.. in my town this week! yep so sad, one of witch is a friend of a friend... it was his funeral today... not good. the other hung himself from the park swings... god Im sooooo not sitting on them again now... I mean of all the places - did it have to be where children play really?
er also there was ment be be a load of police coppers down the road with guns out the other day! ya... on my street!!! really, ok! so if u live in the states or w/e thats probley no big deal... to read that, but here in england The police have them locked up in special cases and stuff and only take them out like... never. they have the pepper spray now, but they only use that when thay have too so ya... I need to find out whats going on... someone I know saw it go down, and she says the police was dragging mothers with buggies away and stuff so ..
so thats my news... ive had my winge for the day!

ps.... notice new template!! :D thankyou :p
once in limerick someone shot themselves in the childrens sand box outside the house.. blood and stuff everywhere..
oh and incase u wanna know.. im a daddy :D
Good god, this is morbid stuff. Ur right tho, guns are pretty common around here. I think babies even have firearms in their buggies now. Never know when a terrorist will pop up, ya know? Always gotta be ready.
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