
a child dies every three seconds ... just because it was born poor! please click here to see how you can help stop this!!!!!
so Ok its been oh so long since i blogged again, but im busy -0 no really, ya Im poor'dy too sniff.. im such a baby just a cold really but still... er ya
Ive got no good pics sorry .. me camera soft ware aint working.. and im tooo lazy to sort it so ya. erm so did I mension I have been making me pond real big like a river? ya Ive done that, er kev went away all week end to do this thing for college.. so I was all lonely.. ya
er I got to do doctors soon - hate that.. no big deal, just the every so often visit I have to have for blood p' er got the big thing coming soon.. ya I cant hide much longer... - enough said...
er ok rambling...
er if there is anyone out there still reading my sorry blog... (has been slipping out of hands) leave me some love cheers!!!!!!!!!!

Cheer :D
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