A lazy post

Ya im not typing a hole lot, cos im off work from 2 of my jobs this week on holiday, still sexing though- and im doing so much work around the garden, ive completed flower beds and borders, and lots more old lady kinda stuff..lol
I also painted a hole lot of fences and all sorts.. well every thing wood too, and I hurt my wrist cos I was doing it for that many hours.. so that's why im not doing a big post with work and pics and - ya too lazy
*realizes post is growing in size* nah well
erm ya.. *thinks* oh ya also I have Billy the parrot of staying with me for this week or so too, cos mum has gone away with her boyfriend...
ERM... ya The news around here at the moment is....
.....about this girl called Kelly h****** she was really really erm.. over weight and always wore like really really small clothes and looked terrible all the time... then she had her stomach stapled!!!
- I mean jezz... That couldn't of been nice, and u get a huge scar too...
Occhy... She got down to a size 8 anyways!!!!! - now she's dead! yep, how bad is that! Her scar w/e got infected and she had a heart attack from it!
erm ya nice thought to leave u's with init... ok so other news... *thinks*....
Oh ya, my fish that I havent showen u guys get are mostly dead too.. ya I know.. And its soooo not my fault neither!!! they got white spot, erm but they have medine now and are getting better.. I will post pics one day, ya u see my computer doesnt like my camera at all and its not easy, and it crashes and stuff so ... no
But I have got 2 cool shrimp and they are mad,big too.. er a pleckie - big, er dalmatian platty- had to get him init!, er a few guppys left, a few neons left- most dead, er glass- I donno glass something they are see though - way cool, *this is becoming a big post* er also pengiun tettras - I donno how to spell and franky I dont care all too much right now neither, nah well, paddy over.. ya
so ERM thanks for the comments! cheers!!!