so I figured it was time for a gen update on the pup... ok so ya how is the pup? hes an hells angel! yep its the only way I can tell ya... he is *ahem* kinda toilet trained now... although he kinda has forgetten his poo is ment to be out side too.. you see he had an upset last week and had the trotts.. so he count hold it in... dear god it looked like a cow had been in the house... on my cream carpets too...*holds head in hand* so he kinda got away with it as he was ill... but now hes better he thinks he can... not good... nah he is perfect with all that when we are in...

...erm ya treggys up close shot... he is sooooooooooo nosey!!!!

look im good boy!!!!

ha ha fooled you!!!
... pup in mid air!!!! ha
thanks for the comments - yay keep em coming!!!
cheers to .. Pook.. Ronan & 金寶
cleaning up poop and sick is all in a days work for a parent ;)
In thailand we train dog to "Wai" (thai greeting) to repect the owner by splice their fore-legs and stand by two back-legs before we give them foods, maybe you should try with treggy ;)
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