going once.... going twice.....
lot'sa pics this time......

So its all coming into place slowly and all....

erm ya we are off to nottingham at the week end... lol ya if I havent spent all next weeks money by then... ebay is killing me!!!!! lol we are gonna go to this shop they have there called the gadget shop... its well cool, full of the kinda stuff we want for this "play" room... looking well smart now... kev made me this cool..y shelf unit for me beanies... see top pick.. it has micro lights in the back and it looks like stars, we still dont have any proper curtains up... cos well there just aint none we want we have seen sooo nope...
erm ya I got a new phone... well ok ya I got it like a week ago but I keeped forgetting to mension it and all... erm for u geeks out there (lol) whom wanna know stuff about it.. I donno so ya... its Lg 8138... pic.....
At least ive got treggy here I guess... erm so ya Treggy.. erm he is a monster.. no to be fair he is very good... we have a sofa up here in the play room.. he has claimed it as his own... to be sure!!!
erm ya my phone is pretty hot actually... me mate tommy brought one.. he said ur gonna want one when u see it.. he was showin off like, mine is newest one out blah blah blah... ovb I brought one... but his was black.. we asked the difference and in the shop.. and he said that the black ones are the old model... God I laughed hard!!!!!
yep!! real hard.... erm ya u can get these videos off there... music ones allsort'sa stuff.. but the best ones are these ANGRY KID ones well funny... there is a site too yep... u gotta go look... its www.angrykid.com and also go here ... http://atomfilms.shockwave.com/af/spotlight/series/angrykid2/ u can watch his clips...
also on uk tv on bbc three!

Ive got about 120 beanie bears now too yep!!! yay!.. sadly my poor mate claire.. whos house burned down before chirstmas has lost her hole collection... and she was collecting for over 10 or so.. gutted.... bless her!!!

Wow...120 beanie bears!!! The room is nice :) and treggy looked grow up.
I also want to buy a new one this model!
Oh...and I forgot to thank for last posting I feel better for now :)
thats a lot of beanies *nods*
yeah man, that is a lot of beanies. i thought that whole beanie craze died off? guess I was wrong. =] And yeah, that dog is gettin BIG. Don't you wish they could all stay little babies? I think a chicken would be the best pet in the world if they stayed yellow and fuzzy. Plus they make that cute little chirp sound. yeah, someone needs to invent something that will keep things from growing up!! I'll be the first in line for that...
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