piggypage: August 2006

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

im lovin each day ;)

thanks for dropping by!!
yep im all old and winklie now I've turned 23 LOL,
on my birthday (Friday 11th) we had a big Party at our house! It was a really good night with plenty of laughs!

Pictures! coming

the next day was the last of ro's summer gigs Im at, Kenwood
the stage is on a lake there! well strange - was cold and wet but I loved it!
Ronan even pointed at me - in a good way (when performing Loving each day) at the end of the song - the song goes I need you, he sings this a few times, and points kinda randomly at people,
but god knows why, But when he did it this time,
He sang....I need u, I need you, I need you,
& I shouted, AND ME! LOL, I know what can I say ha ha
AND he heard! me!
he looked straight at me smiling and he sang (wile pointing at ME! I need you too!!!! totally unrandom :D

that made me squeal a lot! he he!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Birthday girl

thanks for dropping by!!
*sigh* i've been a bad girl! its been like a month since I blogged went the hole of july with no blogging - im a little sick over it actually! nah well what can ya do!
so I have sooooo much to blog about it just so stupid! I have no idea where I can start on it all!

so when I last blogged I was going on hoilday - yep we went,
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was nice weather was up and down - one night the tent nearly took off in the - massive winds and even tor the side of it. I got some cool stuff to bring back... 2 of these wicked sea moving pictures which are lamps too, er a repeating owl -treg hates it lol, well good laugh though - it changes your voice and repeats what you say.

liverpool was wicked
The day after we came back was liverpool - ro's gig (14th july)
I had 2nd row, managed to get to say hi to ro and shake his hand at the front of the stage - which never gets old *grins*

since then I have been to newmarket races - 28th july where yes Ronan had another gig (yay) I did that one with kev - his first (ro) gig in 2 years! managed to fight our way to the front/side of the stage - was wonderfull ronan stood right next to me for 1 1/2 hours singing and smiling looking me right in the eye *go's flutterly* didnt get to touch him at that one, but he kept nodding at me and all that - he waved at me and kept smiling at me it was wonderfull! people was saying there was 20'000 people there and it was me he was looking it - how cool is that! he knows me! my idol knows me! you couldnt even dream it up could you!!!

we (kev and I) went to Wells by the sea, we took kevs mum and dad to play pitch and putt and have a day at the sea side on sunday just gone - yesturday 6th august
it was a really nice hot day. there was a carboot sale there too, which we got some good stuff from! as I mensioned before we played pitch and putt there - it was a good old laugh, kevs dad never played golf before and he won! lol by the end he was tutoring us ! ha, kev came second then me and close finish was mum.

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I spent today in town spending some of my (advanced) lol birthday money, I brought lots of girly junk ;) ear rings and head bands - a hand bag, new hat all that stuff, so broke again lol!

its the last gig on the 12th of august, at Kenwood house! its my birthday treat!
Its my Birthday 11th august - this friday

Kevs chuckin me a party on friday at our house - will let u have all the goss real soon I will also blog about me pressies ans stuff (have most of them already! lol - what can I say !)
I love comments :)

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