Ashamed to say more than 2 years has pasted...

Sorry I havent posted in so very long. more than 2 years has pasted since I last updated my blog.
Needless to say a lots happened in that time. when I last updated I was pregnant with my now 2 year old daughter. we named her Alexis.
She is the light of my life and her dads.
we still have our teggy he is 6 years old this year.
still love ronan keating :P
went to see him in concert back in march. have a ticket to see him again next year for the boyzone tour. Training my girl up to be a fan too ;)
Pregnancy was hard and Im still recovering from it. I ended up having a 12lb baby. shes really tall and people always think she much older than she is.
people dont normally believe me but shes been talking from 9 weeks old. she constantly surprises us and I swear she cant just be so young.
shes a kind good hearted girl and makes me proud in a different way everyday. x
This july my husband and I will have been married for 8 years. we have 3 week hoilday planned which we are all looking forward too. hoping for some sun ;)