our baby girl is now 26 weeks old
Happy new year!

We had our 2nd 4d scan yesterday. we got to see her really well this time! the animation I have made from some of the stills that were taken, in these stills she was pulling some cracking faces, she actually looked quite frightening at times! we also saw her smiling a few times, she kept trying to open her eyes, she stuck her tongue right out at us, she was very funny. we got to have a really nice look at her.

I also got given a ton of baby clothes yesturday from a friends Dad, so I have been going though them all with stickers labeling them in sizes so its easer to know what will fit and when. there are loads of really cute bits in there!
Im so looking forward to having her here with us, which is silly really as she is with us now. its just a pitty mother nature didnt give us pregant women a window or something!
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