like a kid at christmas

yeah yeah its nearly halloween weekend! if u hadnt noticed im having the party of the cent :D i've got my halloween costume and everything and most the decs, working non stop on it all for months and months! just really looking forward to it all!

This weekend we are gonna be spending the weekend at skegness in mums carvan, which will make a nice change. erm friday after that me and kev are at alton towers! which will be wicked!!! going for the fireworks adnf hopefully a crystal (please please) he he
then its party party party!
kev has brought me "BOO" THE HORROR MOVIE on order, comes out monday. none of us have seen it but looks wicked. so we are all going to sit and watch it in the early hours after the party. looks well good!
just well excited!!! yay! EVERYONE - and i mean everyone - its the law, is coming in horror costume, going be well funny! we have even brought a camcorder esp'cally :D
anyways you can bet this wont be the last you hear of my halloween addition :)
probley be back with more pics of the party etc next time :D

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