im off!

Hoilday! Well We are off on hoilday for two hole weeks as from wednesday night! yay! really excited now actually! we are going to Cornwall - hayle! its oh so lovely there really gorgous! so I donno if I will get time to blog again before I go, Im back for the 14th Got a Ronan gig in Liverpool that day so Yay! and its ment to be a really good venue and its seated! *claps* so that should be wicked! or as they say in liverpool "sound mate"
yep im off now hopefully I will have loads of great pics and stuff doing the camping thing this year, broke and stuff so it will be beans on the beach mainly lol, did manage a hole £12 spending money scraped up! then I spent it on a gorgous black and white dress I saw today nak well now im £16 quid down lol, must go count my 2ps and 1ps up lol
P.s Treggs Blog has been updated!
I'm certainly fine. Thans!
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