gig season - Ronan reviews

Oh dear im really getting bad at this, I know its not like I even have a proper job or anything but *shrugs*
Got to start blogging more, yep must be a better blogger! well im not as bad as some of the blogs on here still its only been a couple of weeks, yeah im making excuses lol.
Hampton court
S0 whats been going on with me, er I went to 2 Ronan gigs since I Blogged last, real Great gig at Hampton court on the 13th june, totally rocked! had 2nd row seats, Got my hand grabbed by Ronan from the stage too which was oh so amazing! yeah it was wicked! I took over 500 pics at that gig too, got some really great pics! and some shite video but im chuffed enough with my 4 sec clips either way ;) was a hard gig to get pics with security every where so I need REALLY well to get what I did.

This saturday gone, 24th I went down - long way from home - Bristol.
it was a standing gig and cos it was so far away was a bit of a git to be polite! was £40 too, was so hot some people kept pasing out and stuff, was a lot of work.
and I had to run! how rude!
yeah there was this stupid MASSIVE vip circle there and it was IMPOSSIBLE to get a decent standing place! V.I.P circle was £200 a ticket, I think thats just sick no way I could pay that money not even for Ronan. nah well out of order, and they had to stand still!
it was badly done by the venue to! no refection on Ro what so ever he rocked! venue sucked!
so fighting for the very best standing spot, which we got, still was cr*p. thats just so uncool!
Well we ended up so far away from stage even though we had front row! so my pics was so shite! took about 200 deleted half kept 60, still mostly blur'y nah well security was weak there though, I chatted up the security man in front of me and he just ignored me videoing the hole thing lol, well ok not all of it I did take soem pics in between too :P
I waved a Ro a few times and he waved back twice! wooo hoo that was very cool! go me go me! lol! we was gutted that he didnt walk down (on the floor) at our end of the stage though, he always gets down to meet the fans at each gig, and he was walking towards us and went in the vip bit he was then ment to come back to out bit but wnet the wrong way! yeah there was a lot of upset people but I guess you cant have it all the time, still a little gutted though! waited sooo long to get that front row seat! also thing I feel I have to mension was bristol kept upsetting ros sound he was well mad at them, so badly done (venue) not that we heard anything it was just his side of things. but still shouting turn it up and turn it down all the time was hardly rock and roll, but hey Ro was there he waved at me twice, it was wicked! not the best gig ever but still wouldnt of missed it. There was this woman stood on top of her roof of her house dancing along to Ronan too was well funny! had to take a picie even lol,

Oh ya, G4 was ronan's surport act - well one of, they where smart too! pretty cool to see them!
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