bigbrother rocks!

so its been a million years since I blogged last so I have made my self come on and do my bit.
well to be honest I've been really down since last time I came on. im not going to go on about it but it would of been my dads birthday yesterday he died 4 years ago now, its so hard this time of year as he died at this time too so its pretty dark for me and stuff cos of that.
A few weeks ago, I just found treggs in the garden stood over smokys body on the lawn, stood just watching her tail waging as if he was waiting for her to get up. She didn't she was dead smoky my bunny didn't have any marks or anything so he could of chased her and scared her to death I donno what happened - never will I guess. I ran around to the rabbit run and saw Peanut my other bunny jumping across the garden, she was scared and ran from me. I managed to grab hold of her and get her back in the run. The wire had been kicked and forced though so there was a huge grapping hole right there. I pulled it back into place to stop the rest of the animals escaping. thankgod the other piggys didn't even notice what had been going on.
Treggs was upset for days and didn't eat for a wile he knew what he had done and was ovb very sorry.
Since then I have made a fence and gate across the garden to make sure it can never hsappen again. Treggs cannot get over there to them anymore.
Peanut was very upset she was looking for her all the time sat up - looking and looking it was heart breaking to see her. We decided we would go get another bunny to go with her, for comfort. so we went and got another female bunny a long haired lion headed bunny she was lovely. put her in there in the box let her come out in her own time, all the piggys and peanut came running over to greet her was really sweet. she came out and peanut grabbed her and started attacking her it was terrible then she got on ther back and did the bunny hump. soooo bad I have a les bunny. ovb with all this going on I ran the pet shop man and he said check its sex again, well we had brought them as sisters - I only wanted female bunnys and piggys, and yes we checked peanut between all that fur was a rabbit willy!
So I had to take my new bunny back. gutted!
This means now I can't have anymore rabbits with Him, they have to grow up togther so im stuffed.
Friday night I went out to the piggys and peanut to feed them and stoke them and stuff as I do every day/night and I found Cuddles dead layed there she was only a couple of months old so sad! so gutted!
Kev had MRSA and things really wasnt looking good for a wile there, but thank god he has got rid of the bug!
Mum got married, and kevs bro got married we had a big family birthday party for Ian. Ive got 2 Ronan concerts this month then we are on hoilday in cornwall for 2 weeks then the day after we come back I got to see ro again in liverpool - god so many miles! bleh
anyways will try my best to come on again and blog proper before all that.
I havent forgotten about updating my mates links thought I would add that will do it as soon as I have the patience for it ;)
Totally hooked on bigbrother my fave is pete for sure ! PETE TO WIN YAY! Ronans new single out now go buy it ;) also hooked on will youngs single who am I it rocks
thanks for the comments guys xxx
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