Mind is filled with a thousand thoughts of you....

so IM all awake at 2am still, I so have to sleep and stuff. bleh -
I have the most exciting amazing news (to me at least)
I met my Warning - lots of very sloppiness coming up! I am tired so I am going to cut to the chase on it all.
I went down to see Ronan record his new single for Top of the pops. - Yes I was on TV again... LOL
they recorded it live, went out at 7.30pm same day.
Ronans was recorded shortly after the show.
Life long Idol! I met Mr Ronan Keating on Sunday night! Its my dream and its happened! Ok...
Date - Sunday 9th may 2006
Time - around 8pm (ish)
Place - BBC television studios
at around 8pm, after hours and hours of waiting around it was Ronan time...
we (Ronan mob) had pushed to our places and NO ONE was gonna give them up for NOTHING!
I had a great standing place - right at his feet again....
We was all excited and gabbing loads....
I heard some of the women behind me saying "oh what's he wearing" blah blah blah...
I turned around and demanded (lol) they tell me how they knew... They said.. He is stood of there (pointing) by the door.
I turned as fast as any living person could poss, I couldn't see him.. a huge part of the stage in my view.
I lent so far back I almost snapped! There he was!!! *tingles* all beaming and perfect.
he was looking over at the crowd. And I did something I had done oh so many times before. - with out even thinking I just did it. I waved at him. - and Oh my God - he waved BACK!!! I DIED!!! I turned around so fast back and grabbed the next woman to me, I said - R,O,N,A,N JUST___ F**KING__ WAVED__ AT,,, ME! I said this 4 more times then burst in too tears.
So ok, crazy woman coming though and all.... I know it sound mad and yeah I am, You are probley reading this thinking sad'o blah blah. Well honestly no matter how bigger fan you think I might have to be for that to happen you are so wrong... Its so much worse than that. lol
I fought so hard to stop crying, I explained too the people around me, I have worshiped this man for more then 11 years - almost 12 years and had never met him! Been a massive fan since I was just 11 years old! I can hardly remember a life with no Ronan. For him to wave at me - it was just the most amazing feeling in the world - or at least I thought so until..... *
He got up on to stage - right there in front of me, oh he looked amazing. I was shaking soooo much - crazy. Trying so hard to fight it so he couldn't see what a wreck I was.
He smiled at the crowd and said hello to the odd person, INCLUDING!!! ME! Then he smiled.
*shakes head* I just cant believe its all true, its actually happened to me!!! I have waited soooo long!
He took the microphone and laughed, said he had just walked out with his flys undone! - guess he felt he just had to tell us all! Then they started to record the new single "All over again" they decided to re do it and sang it twice, (after we screamed do it again, he laughed, and did it again)
they was done recording and Ronan stood for a minute or so then said goodbye to all of us across the front. He kept looking at me and smiling. Waved to us all and said goodbye again.
I was so desperate (since forever) to met him, to touch him.. To meet the person I worship oh so much.
he began to walk off stage - I saw my chance and I bolted for him
Scared to DEATH sooo sooo scared! I ran towards him and another girl stepped out in front of him. She held out her had and he shook it. He turned to go - not seeing me.
with out thinking I just called out "Ronan" He turned around slowly and he looked at me. Big gorgeous smile across his face. I held out my arm....
cant type for tears.
I held out my arm - my left arm, and he took my hand in his. He didn't shake it - he squeezed it tenderly, looking me in the eye the hole time. Him smiling at me so so sweetly. His hand was hot and wet. He winked at me and smiled a little wider and winked again. - just for me, my moment - mine!
at that point we aparted, our hands fell apart and we both turned away at the same time.
I grabbed my left wrist with my right hand and just stared at it, mouth wide open. I thought my heart had stopped. I rushed back to my girls and they all grabbed me and hugged me. Then I began to sob, crying so much Could hardly breathe. Fought with my self to calm down. - still haven't.
I prey I will never - ever forget that moment for as long as I live

Congratulations! You know you're so lucky! If you live in asia like me but perhaps like ronan what will happend? ^^
Awww I'm really happy for u :D
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