Ronan fairys

So things are not much better in most aspects of my life at the moment. things are still like world war 45 with the family. I still havent found a job, and just the thought of it make me want to be sick. I have spent most of a week after finding out I had lost my job very sick. I have been very depressed. lol at least I lost weight ;)
Then I met Corinne - she is my Ronan fairy. I mensioned her before I am sure, well we are getting on very well. and have made lots of ronan'y plans together. It really has been a break in the clouds for me. Things have been working out for us really well at the moment. we have 3 concerts lined up to go to together in the summer. I also have a 4th one which I am going to attend with kevin in july.
we are going to Bristol in june & still trying for hamton also - june (bristol standing in front area)
liverpool & newmarket racecourse in july - liverpool second Row! (newmarket standing)
& kenwood house in august - that one we have Front row tickets for! should be brillant!!!
We (kev & I) had to change our holiday 2 days forward so I could make the liverpool one :P we wasnt going to be back in time.
We ave Ronan'y plans for this tuesday also, but I cant say what till wednesday as its a secret :D then I will brag (please god) a hole lot :D

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