
Today was the op of yesterday, started good ended up bad, real bad
I have about taken all I can!
So work was just about stomachable. Finished at an ok time, came home to get ready - had arrangements to go out with Mum and her Bf to get Flowers for their wedding, to make their displays. took time out from my cleaning job.
They came early - like I asked them not too, I was ok about it but Roy is so rude and was complaining about me not being ready - Hello early!!!
Went with them weather terrible, cold very wet coming down hard. Had only my mobile phone with me.
Got dragged all over Melton looking for flowers that wasn't there. Very cold -
Roy was kicking off all the way around. I just keeped away from him as much as poss.
Come to going home time, walking back to the car... We was stood waiting at the crossing. Roy walks Straight out in front of a speeding car! Mum grabbed his back and screamed No! He turned around Finger pointed in her face, Teeth bared shouted "F**k *ff" at her, then the lights changed to green and crossed.
I Looked at mum and she was very up set, I was very angry! She knew this and said leave it. I told her she should not let him talk to her in that way! And she deserved an apology.
I said Nothing but really wanted too.
we crossed over again - people everywhere. Got to the other side of the road...
Roy turned to me and said "I could of made it if It hadn't been for you!"
I looked him in the eye and said this "Why exactly did you want to be on the other side of the road from me and mum anyway?"
Because the Car was going so fast and so close there was NO WAY he could of made it across that road - noway. He is a big fat old man with bad legs and a heart problem. not even someone who was super fit could of done it.
He turned to me in the street screaming at the top of his very loud voice "F**k *ff , B*ll***s You can't speak to me like that, F**k *ff." Then ran up the hill away. Leaving mum stood there with me.
She said she was sorry, I told her it was Him that needed to be sorry I explained things to her. He had long gone out of sight now. She has bad nerves and said she had to go so she didn't lose him - as in she has a acrophobia
I was so mad at the time of writing the above I had to leave it at that. It was upsetting me too much to go further into it.
anyways cut a huge story short I had to walk nearly 3 miles in very impractical shoes, soaked to the bone. Kevin had to leave work and fetch me. My feet are still damaged. I have a huge bloodblister under my toenail, and my toes were black for over a day and a half. I haven't heard any thing at all from Roy. He has made NO attemt to make anykind of an - forget it, I just havent got the strenth right now. its just too much going on in my head right now.
Mum I.m me, she is still very upset with Roy, but on a hole nowhere like as much as she should be I feel. she hasnt said or done anything at all about it. she wanted to know if I was upset with her. I told her not with you, but allthough I didnt say it I feel very let down by her.
I understand why she keeps quite but it does not make it right. she also asked me other questions along with am I coming to the wedding. I told her I will always be there for you, So yes.
but I also said u should be seriously thinking should u be marrying him. I told her its your choice. its your life. But what hurts the most with all the questions she asked not one of them was are you ok?

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