Warning - moody venting taking place.

So kev's away on biz again, hes having to stay away from home again. I so hate it when he has to go way. So I have been left home alone again. I am not cut out for this at all. But I have to be the surporting wife and pat him on the bag and smile about it all the same. Treg is missing him so much he hasn't touched any of his food. He just keeps wipering and crying sat by the door or at my feet. He is very sensitive *sigh* at least George is being strong ;p
So being the afraid'y cat I am too, its real hard being in this big house with at shit scared dog. Don't get me wrong hes well hard, but well he just keeps shaking me up - he has seen something that has scared him... And that scares me basically.
so yep I am already an hour late to bed, and as of yet REALLY do not have the ball to take him out side, turn all the lights off and go up stair's ALONE.
ok so to anyone Normal I probley sound like a twat, and yep u would probley be right. But how ever e'rashnall or w/e the fears all the same. So I guess for the second day or 3 I won't be sleeping again. not like I have work in the morning or anything *rolls eyes* as if. Im in at 6.15 again, well I guess I could stay up all night as i probley gonna be anyways. *sigh* Wish I could be a growen up.
So I am feeling Very depressed tonight... depression brings fear and with fear depression... I am stuffed basically.
On top of this I had my much hated boss ring me up tonight telling me I "should" cancel and 2 days hoilday next week - was not a pleasant conversation at all. right now it just feels like life is sucks a little too much. I know, I know, I have it good compared to so many people... Its not like he's never coming home. but right now it seems like it and its so hard.
Treg has laid down now and gone to sleep. I guess whatever scared him cant be bothering him too much now... wish I could forget as easyily as he can.
*hears song on tv* I dont wanna be a stupid girl *rolls eyes* init. Great! now hes alert and staring in too space again. Hopefully maybe its just cos Kev isnt here. he does get very protective over me.

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