sick of birthdays... none of them are mine!

so, yep I have done, well most of my christmas cards now :P no matter how hard you think you always miss someone, nah well..
Ok so, erm Sunday was a b*tch of a day, slaving over everything, We put up the christmas decs, tree etc, Treg pissed up it, Honestly I was soooo mad I couldn't hardly speak.
we also did all the lights and stuff out side too, er..

It was my Mother in laws birthday Sunday too, and its my father in laws today too, so we had a b-day tea on Sunday for the too of them. Did a special Sunday dinner.. Then we got them this big Birthday card with candles and stuff too. We got him a orchid, he kinda collects them as I do, oh and a bottle of red, Mum-in law we got her a garden basket, with all kindas stuff in it, and special choclates. We watched I robot, after.. kevs dad liked it, but I think it was a bit rough for his mum though. I liked it :D

For more pictures go to
Monday was Treggys Big day.. he was 1, or 7 w/e
He had a great time, stuffing him self all day lol, we got him a cake and stuff, put a candle in it and all the family sang and stuff, he even blew the candle out him self, that was actually scary lol
He got like a million chews and stuff, cards, teddys... a big gift box of treats and toys, his main presant was his living room dog bed from us though, but he has had that for like 3 weeks so hes so over that already!
next year please god he will be 14 (2) then 21 (3) so we will have to hire a hall or something on the one lol., tis his 21st and all.
adding pictures now!!!!!!

Holy smokes, xmas cards! didn't think about that part. figured I'd was done after getting all the presents (aka, giftcards).
Treggy rocks, I was rolling about that pissing on the tree part. Got funny stares from other folks here in the office. I mean, it's not too hard to understand his need to weewee on the thing, but I've never thought about it ever happening before. Just too funny...
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