hoping you all had a good christmas!

I'm dreaming of a white christmas... ok so it was late and all, *sigh* but at least it made it here and all.. started coming down the day after boxing day, its been about 3-1/2 inches on av, hasn't snowed today yet, havent seen it any hows.. but the weather man says its here for a wile *clapps* till like Friday ish... they say
I LOVE the snow... I made 3 snowmen so far! one of them can be seen pictured with Treggs above, oh ya and speaking of the pups check out www.treggs.blogspot.com/ for his christmas post.. and more pictures!
he LOVES the snow too, he ate my snow man! so ok he was part chicken but its no excuse, he is so out of order!
I got quite a lot of pressies still for christmas! yep even though I had my big ones like months ago :P I got a grill whats it, lots of girly stuff.. make up, ear rings, clothes, more stuff like that.. smellys and stuff... er I got a crazy frog teddy that does the hole *makes frog noise* b...ding...ba...weee... and stuff... I got some dvds, like madagaska or w/e, shameless both series, max and paddy road to nowhere, and complete all seasons of Buffy in a cool box set thingy.. well smart! Oh ya I got this buffing hair removing thingy too.. havent used it yet... erm oh and a eyebrow trimmer or something.. I donno its do'dy though... not painfull. I got books! *nods* top trumps, hair stuff... Ronan callender :D thats going up!
Ow! a big Mickey crystal!! sooooo Gorgous! and Mum brought me a ikle balloons crystal in sliver too. *thinks* I got other stuff but I've put them away all over the house now and I keep forgetting what they was so ya...
Kevs got Robots for christmas, a dino thing that bites.. and a Robosapian or something like that the new one... its cool actually I have played with it more than him, it can see you and tell who you are, it talks walks, the lot. I like putting it behind doors in Guard mode, he chucks a right fit when he sees you... very funny!
I love like to say thankyou to everyone how send me e-cards and christmas wishes... your all so sweet! thanks!!

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