yep I got a lap top :P

(FS215S) YAY and all... so yep I got it from Ebay, ha yep its so dangerous going on there, that and catologes, they are evil too... Brought it on thursday, tried to get in touch with kev to deliever the next day, but *cough*
so it came today... we knew it was coming and all...
so Kev being the angel he is got up early to listen out for the delievery man....
Me being the lazy cow I am laid in bed snoring....
I heard these thuds up and back down the stairs, then the door slam....
And then a car speeding out the drive away...
I laid there thinking, I didnt hear any one knock, he will be up in a sec to say its here...
so I ran down stairs, once I realised he wasn't coming back....
I called out Kev! kev! - nothing
I shouted some more... I turned to the dog Treggy and he was laughing his head off,
I said panicing, Wheres Daddy? Wheres daddy!!!!
Or course to my disgust the dog didnt answer....
Later I realised he had been... his laugh said it all....
Daddy ran out the house.. chasing a man.. drove after him, all in his big devil slippers.
well though all that we called the company and got his to come back, expaining, it was a house as the address... Not a company, as where he had gone to.
thanfully he did come back, but again to, yet again the wrong address... so kev had to run for his life across the field of a lawn to git my ***laptop***
Yay, all this and I was still in my dressing gown lol
so thats Kels story of my lap top. lol
erm, its kinda strange at the moment to get used to, no mouse, and keys are flatter... smart though, oh and the keys are in different places, so I kinda keep hitting stuff I shouldnt...
Erm, anyways. Tonight we went to see Corpse Bride, I love music, I love movies... but not togther... no thankyou musicals... unless its like Hans christan anderson (once every 8 years) or The labrinth - if that counts as one. So Kev knowing my hate for those cheery classics couldnt help but brust out laughing at me when they started to sing *rolls eyes*
But despite the damb "must keep everything to plan" songs and other a likes... it was a really cool movie! And im so nice heres another plug....
Theres loads cool movies coming out soon though, saw 2, narnina, a board game one set in space (it has a strange name I dont recall), Theres also a new harry potter movie, mind u I have only seen the first one so I have a hole lot to catch up on there.

hehe i liked the laptop story :p and im going to see the corpse bride tonight yay :p got me parents to babysit
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