still Poorly

yukky, I hate being i'll, well I guess no one loves it.... Anyways Yesturday we went to AltonTowers, yep, I was way to ill and all, but hey I survived!
I went really wanting to....
1, Get another lazer crystal,
2, see the fireworks,
3, Film the Fireworks,
4, watch the latest ice show there,
5, Get some good pictures,
6, Oh and survive....
And yay I did all of them, so yep :D
Er, yep we got there, walked like 20 mins to get out of the fields and fields and fields of carparks... to get to the monorail, to then ride past the fields of car parks....
We left loads later than most people so we had no problem getting in, it was just gone 2.00pm.
We legged it to the bogs.... after we had 2 1/2 hours in the car & like 3 cans of diet coke...we were kinda desbrate :P
We ran off to find the place/shop where the crystals was last year... and nope... :( I felt like throwing a monk but I didn't, I was like... nope, they was so cool, too cool to get shut of.... they are here some place, saying That I felt pretty tiny in such a massive park.
Kev then turns to me and says.... No they are gone Forget it, & the ice show is finished, missed it.
I was like, in my quite ill voice screaming "Shut up Eeyore!.. I am going this way, you go that way... Give me the money, see you tonight at the fireworks :P"
Of course I didnt mean it but at least it shut him being so down on everything....
So we went off, walking... Hunting for the crystal place... We went Everywhere!
about 4 pm I said to Kev... well its about it is'nt it... we have done it all... *sigh*

10 seconds later, the croud parted, and I saw a billbroad in the path.... "Laser etch!".... crystal w/e
I just stood there in shock.. flapping my hands like a seal with inhaling in a strange slow motion action... I then turned to kev to smack him... going HERE, HERE, ITS HERE...
ok sad I know, but I have been waiting for te moment for like a year lol...
I then just legged it over to the building that was now laser etch... once in there I acted like a seal some more... I was so chuffed I took a picture of the place :P

So, we got the pictures done after a wait of about 30mins, tey scan each of you then place you together, then you can watch your crystal being well... burned? I donno w/e made lol,
the bloke got it out and was looking at it hard, then at us.. he said "there is a hole in your face... and No you do not have a hole in your face... "
He told us he would do another one, that the crystal may of had a tiny bit of dust in or something... he said he would give us that one anyways.... which is cool... un less you REALLY look for it you cant see it anyways... so we got buy one get one free lol,

There was a woman behind us, who heard him giving it to us, she was well jealous....
He then did another... they take like 3 mins or something... not long
we had to wait an hour last year, but they have different rig up this year.

After, we went to have dinner, kev had the biggest hot dog and chips in the world, & I had my adsa pre brought diet sandwichs... but it payed off cos I've lost another 2lb this morning :D
Im being very good :P Kev decided that he was then in fact cold, and as it was getting dark (5.00pm) we went to buy a sweater or something.... we did in fact get 2 of his choice, which were surprisingly in an offer, so we got one free :D & Kev was then warm.
we then decided to check out the ice show place, to see if we could get in later, and yay... they let us straight in... so we got to see the 6.00 show, I dont recall the name of the show... it was magical ice w/e staring "the twins" I do have to say though they was pretty good.... they made it snow *nodds* old women was bitching everywhere saying they was gonna slip and die... nobody did, slip or die. they did all the old tricks, some was kinda ovb, but they did but this gal in a glass coffin thing... cut her up and stuff - she did'nt die either... I donno how they did that one cos it was ver narrow and no where to fold... and we could she her all the time so... I donno *hurts brain thinking*
We then went to watch the fireworks.... sat on the grass...In the dark, with like 10,000 people, shiving looking well... *ahem*

The Fireworks show was GREAT well worth it! I got loads good video... it was themed at Traveling the world this year... first was Ireland, then Rushia, then France, then Ibiza... then home... England,

Was'nt quite the world but It was cool all the same.... there then was another British bit on at the end, themed with James bond and stuff, very cool.
We then fought to get out, we did... the monorail quene was 40mins, we was at the back... so we walked back... with the other 8000 people that wasn't so lazy to stand there.... after a long walk, we found carpark "K".... we got half way acoss this car park - well muddy field, and there was this car well stuck in the field, sinking... the people in the car was mainly young Asian girls.. tiny, they kinda stood there open mouthed like to say sh*t
So me and kev went over and pushed them out, after a couple of goes it went...
well nobody else would'da stopped... it was every man for himself it seemed.
So Today I have canceled everything with everyone and am still in my nighty at and proud *grins* I am as they say Knackard... I've had it.... I've lost my voice, I hurt every where...
Thank God its Sunday.... But I am sure I will be at work no matter what, being such a good girl and all :P
Thanks for the comments... and if you read all that, Then well done, I did try to keep it short :P
Ps... we also got Treg this as a treat as he was on his own all day- he was really good... and he LOVES his new red ball..

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