Hungery :(

ok so yep im sticking to my diet - im doing well I've lost er... 9lbs, and er 2 stone 1lb all togther so far... is hard though!
Im really trying here people! ok, sucks though.. but it has to be done and all.
I wanna bitch now, about these to cows I work with being so damb rude... they all old and think they rule the world and I really really think they suck! - ok maybe I should rename this post "Sucks!" but with fear that the post title may be misunderstood as a gesture rather than a statement I think maybe not a good idea after all...
Ok, I talked to my "moved away mates" today... Claire and Ali.... Claire is having a Boy! and shes gonna call him Cory sp? shes due in feburary,
Ali is moving - today, and is enjoying her new life all those miles away on a place called barrow island... which is like an island with a bridge to the main land type thing, oh and she has a job and stuff now too. they both said they are gonna come see me before chirstmas - fingers crossed
oh I found a frog in my garden - well two, here is a picture....

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