txt to the day
I am a crappy mate... yep today I found out that my friends house burned down - claire, happened in november, we was talking loads then all of a sudden all went quite - I tryed ringing her and that but no response.. so after so long - I was really getting worrid.. so I sent her yet another message, this time she rang me back... she sounded rough, asked me if id heard about the fire - of course I hadnt - her hole house is in ashs... her Grandad has only 2 weeks to live also, she is out of work too... was ment to be getting married in march but now its been but back at least though all that is going on and all... Thankfully no body was seriously hurt! her mum was in the house when it happened.. she was a sleep, she wock suddenly with there pet dog biting into her bad wrist, with that she saw the house was full with smoke, ... its a blessing she got out alright - the dog too... but Claires other pets was killed in the blaze - which is very upsetting for claire.I just cant belive I let it go this far before I was this conserned - she could of been dead!
Oh...Lucky everyone was safe...God Bless Them& Us.(Even I'm not Christine)
Good night, Have a Sweet Dream:)
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