piggypage: going to see treggy tomorrow

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

going to see treggy tomorrow

So tomorrow im going to see Treggs again! yay - he so cute, its a long way and kinda late we are going so it'll be in and out, hopefully she wont mind me taking some more pictures again- I cant wait to see how big he is now! Claire might be poping around later too.. it'll be good to see her if she does decide to come over. erm work sucks yep - im getting well stressed about it again - all building up, but enough said, just trying to block it out at the moment at least. Oh its my Neices (older) Birthday today she is 21- yep we are having a surprise birthday party on saturday for her, I can say that cos she doesnt have this addy so yep - in fact none of my family have it - a ha, ya they just dont get me at all, so they really wouldnt get this mess on here.. er kev has it - I surpose he's family and all... being my husband I think it kinda qualifes him lol... and like 2 or maybe 3 friends other than online mates have it- yep,
Anyways I donno why I felt the need to write an invertary of all the peps with the great understanding of piggy page or why I am still rambleing on about rambleing hum.....

Oh ya, has anybody been watching the oh so dodgie "Celb BB" lol for those whom are out of reach of Big Brother here is a Link! ya im a bit of a reality Tv fan I surpose - I always start off with kev going bloody rubbish - before I know it we are hooked again - sad i know, and if u are one of those people going- what rubbish- why do u wanna watch people sat around all I have to aske u is do you like soaps? - most people say Yes. well BB or the likes of is a soap - with real people and no story lines.. and it always out rates easteander or the likes of so ya... but anyways *few* almost broke out in one then lol.... nah celb BB this year - oh my God what a load of fruit cakes... Are any of u guys watching it? lol John is a right nutter - sulking over not having any diet cokes lol


At Wednesday, January 12, 2005 4:26:00 pm, Blogger 金寶 said...

Bah, I can't stand reality TV. Unless there's hot chics on there. :] And does anyone else here think Treggy looks a lot like Snoopy??


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