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Yep so erm, work was rough, today sucked, sexing was terrilble, Tanja got took off in a test so I was panicing in case they was gonna do it to me - cos I hate that, but the sexing went good, for a wile at least - then bad again and she got stopped again, poor gal she is on of the nicest people ever but the thickest person i have ever met. I know that sounds really nasty but its true, it could well be her. but as I have always said its different people one moment to the next. Oh and I found a way dodgie chick too... it had bald bits all over in like go faster strips lol very strange, we get a few each day with like extra legs or wings twisted beaks funny eyes that kinda thing but this was a real first....
Erm Roy (Mums bf) is still in hospital he is hoping to get out today but doesnt look really hard for her cos hes up yorkshire so she cant even go and see him.

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